Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight
In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, once a month I profile one special Channing Tatum fan on the blog and give them the "Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
I am excited to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fab Fan Spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Shawna W.. Here is what you should know about Shawna:

Shawna W.
Palo Alto
23 years old
Social Networking Site Profiles:
[MySpace] [Yahoo Group]

It's not really a photo, it's a screen cap from the Mountain Dew commercial which is the 2nd time I saw him in my life 6 or more years ago and it made me start to wonder who he was. Because people you see in commercial's don't usually go away they end up somewhere big...and he was so gorgeous I had to figure it out! LOL and I started the club that same month cause my friend and I figured it out a few weeks later.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
Would be 'Havoc'...it was kind of a hardcore side but not...lol. Everything coming out soon is more serious which is a good side to see, but havoc was a side that I don't think he had to play TOO hard into but it was a movie that I could watch over and over again it was pretty cool. After that would be 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints'.
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?:
I don't know that's a hard one anything where he is on the screen is my favorite! :)
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
I don't know really...It's hard to have a favorite movie quote when you've had a conversation with him. Other things stick out more, like him saying "I wrote into the club, but no one believed it was me."...how it was said was the best cause he was all calm but he was trying to make it sound hilarious, which it did, so it will never leave my mind cause the whole situation in general is funny. I talk more about the message situation in the last question.
Have you ever met Channing?:
Yes I have! She's the Man did a promo tour back in spring 2006 I believe it was. The cast came to my area, Milpitas, California...to the great mall. I worked in a corporate office, so I didn't get there to line up REAL early. You can't really say bye last minute for any reason to get out of work without getting in trouble lol. But I should have done it anyway, because it was Channing. I got there at a good time, they literally cut the line off right at me. So I went to where Channing was sitting during the signing, and told him who I was and about the club and he freaked out, but at the same time I don't think he heard all the way.
So one of the girls at the table told us to go meet them somewhere in about 30 min, so we did. It took some driving to get to where they went, but we all got there and everyone was just kind of chillin and talking to each other. That's when I told him about the club again and he really freaked out he was quizzing me lol...with questions everything it was awesome, told me how he wrote into the club and no one believed it was him, which I remember that whole thing people replied to that message in early 2004 maybe or 2003 saying how it was a fake telling him to get a life, but not knowing it was really Channing lol! He was very nice, so funny. We both laughed and kept joking about his whole sending in a message issue to the club lol. It was a great experience. I figured I'd see him again more often out in LA but it hasn't happened, he's a busy man. :)
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?:
Hmmm I don't know I kind of decided to take the fan base into my hands in a way 6 years back almost by making a club and letting everyone know of Channing and of other channing sites, and also kind of knowing I may have started the whole bandwagon of making fan sites for him is awesome also, most people would probably want to be the only one, but I don't I mind seeing the fan base grow :-) I always await an official word on projects, no more Mongol incidents lol....(inside thing)...and I'm definitely up for letting people know where he is and when so they can get a chance to meet him as well, I don't hold any premier info to myself in any way I always let people know so they can plan a trip or get ready to make a drive to go and get a chance at getting a picture or something, and there should be a lot of opps for everyone this fall with all the movie releases hopefully :)
Why does Channing Tatum Unwrapped think that Shawna belongs in the Fab Fan Spotlight?
I think this choice is pretty obvious, because Shawna built what I think is the very first fan group for Channing way before all of the hype started. She is one of the original fans and has over 7,000 members in her Yahoo group called Dew Me Channing, which was started on September 19, 2002. Her group is the mom of all Channing Tatum fan sites and I really respect the fact that she has countinued to maintain the group for so many years. She also understands that all of Channing's fans sites can provide value to the Channing fan community and has no problem letting her readers know about other helpful sites online. More importantly, she has had the enviable experience of meeting, taking pictures with, and having an actual conversation with Channing...a goal that I also hope to reach one day. I put Shawna in this month's Fan Fan Spotlight, because I want to thank her for all that she has done for the Channing Tatum fan community and I hope that all of my readers feel the same way and make sure to check out her group.
Thanks Shawna for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight, Shawna was able to pick any Channing Tatum DVD she wanted or a custom-made poster of Channing Tatum courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped! As you can imagine, Shawna has every movie of Channing ever created, so she has chosen to get a poster and it will be shipped to her. Finally, Shawna's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will be added on the right side of the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page on the site. Feel free to send your congrats to Shawna in the comments on this entry!
Do you want to be in the Fab Fan Spotlight? I will choose and interview readers who have contributed to the Channing Tatum Unwrapped and the Channing Tatum fan community by submitting Pictures of the Week, Videos of the Week, Comments, Graphics, etc. and/or by having groups, profiles, or sites that they made for Channing and his fans. I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
1 comment:
She deserves to be the fan of the month a experience like that is a Memory that will last a life time
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