NEWS FLASH: Channing Tatum's Real Name...We Were All Wrong!!!
Above is a picture of Channing Tatum's 1998 highschool graduting class at Tampa Catholic High School in Tampa, Florida. Channing is laying down at the bottom middle of the picture in blue shorts.
Sometimes it can be hard to find out someone's real name. It's even harder if you don't know that the supposed "real name" you see in most places is actually not correct. Practically everywhere you look online you see Channing Tatum's birthname as "Channing Bryan Isaac Tatum Anderson".
Well, it seems that the joke is on all of us, because that is NOT his real name. The name that Kay and Glenn Tatum gave their son when he was born is...wait for it...Channing MATTHEW Tatum!!!! And I finally have the proof and the reason why we have all been fooled for many years now.
I ran into a person online who went to Channing's highschool and they have now cleared up the mystery. Here is what IMDBKID86 had to say:
The school I'm talking about is Tampa Catholic High School in Tampa, Florida. Since you're such a big fan, you probably know that he grew up in Florida. He graduated from my HS in 1998. Here is a link to the school website showing the list of graduated in 1998:
When you get there, click on History in the top panel. After that, click on Graduates in the left hand panel. Find 1998 and click it. Then, scroll down to find Channing Tatum's name.
Here is a screen shot from the site clearly showing Channing's real name:
So how did all of the crazy "Channing Bryan Isaac Tatum Anderson" stuff get started anyway? It seems that someone made up a whole fake biography about Channing having a brother whose last name was Anderson. The fake bio said things like they were related to someone named Marion Raven from M2M, that they were all going to be on The OC with Demi Moore and all this other information that ended up not being true at all.
This fake biography is also where the now infamous "Channing Bryan Isaac Tatum Anderson" came from and it unfortunately it has persisted...until today that is. To add insult to injury, one of Channing's first agencies supposedly used the incorrect name in their bio/profile of him, which solidified the lie even more.
So the name mystery has now been cracked and I am going to update his name everywhere on this site. Hopefully with all of our help, we can get his real name out there to other fans and eventually the incorrect name will die a fast death online.
Thanks IMDBKID86 for helping us get to the bottom of this one. I would say that the case of the Fake Channing Tatum Name can finally be spread the word! :-)
UPDATE: Thanks to a CTU reader, in addition to knowing Channing's real name, we also now know that Channing was a member of the 1997 - 1998 Tampa Catholic High School varsity soccer team. Here is a screen shot from school's website that shows the entire team roster:

great news again.. i cant believe ALL of the sites ive visited before posted his name wrong.. THIS SITE IS THE BEST!!!
hey i found a roster of the 1997-1998 soccer season for channing's school. he played soccer. woo hoooooooooooooooooo lol k so here is the roster...
Tampa Catholic High School
1997-1998 Varsity Boys Soccer Team
Nick Abarca, 1998
Chris Barnes, 1999
Rafael Barrios, 1998
Chris Blaze, 2001
Gio Calderon, 1998
Jeremy Castelluci, 2001
Jason Cromer, 1998
Chris Dipaola, 2001
Josh Gommolla, 2001
Jason Hunter, 2000
Brett Malone, 2000
David Mols, 1998
Kyle Paggio, 1998
David Powers, 1998
Michael Rogers, 2001
Alex Serrano, 2000
David Smith, 2001
Ryan Smith, 1998
Chan Tatum, 1998
Tony Vona, 1999
Jeff Witherington, 1998
Paul Woodberry, 2000
I can't...
OMg this is so big!!! I still like his name... it's still Chan.. Omg he played soccer I'm like 30 min away from Tampa (cool...)
hey jenna i am one of your biggiest fans i love you and channing and i would to know more about you xx cya
I'm a big fan of Channing and especially Jenna... love her moves and grooves... she rules! and my point for this post is... well, just wondering... how come he never clarified that the "real name" that has been goin' around the web and who knows where else is wrong? well I know that artists are not that in to their "real names" but just wondering... anyway... love him just as well...
I don't know if Chan knew how to fix the issue and I'm not sure why his people did not fix it either. His career did fine without the correction, so they just left it for some reason.
omg you all are love sick get life yeah he's hot he ain't comin for yall get over him GEEZZ
I actually grew up with him. He want by just plain Chan back in the day. I played ping-pong at his house and his dad made gumbo. I actually got into a little scuffle with him back in the day at Citrus Park Little League in Tampa.
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