Exclusive New Pictures of Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, and Channing's Family
I can't even explain how excited I am right now!!!! This is definitely a red letter day in CTU history. When I started this blog, my goal was to create a site that fans could come to everyday and find new and interesting information on Channing Tatum and his world.
I, like any other fan site, always hoped that one day, Channing and/or his "people" would somehow notice the site and decide to start sending information that fans could not get anywhere else.
Well, I am extremely happy to say that Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan's friend Josh just sent me what I consider to be the holy grail of any fan site. Below you will find exclusive personal pictures of Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, and Channing's family.

Thank you so much Josh, Channing, and Jenna for sending me and my readers these awesome pictures!!! Click here if you want to see more personal pictures of Channing Tatum.
Everyone also make sure to visit Josh's Samantha Jade fan site on MySpace.
Cool! Now we only need to know if she's his only sister or if there are 6 more running around. And what's her name? And are Chan and Jenna married? I'm so excited!!
OMG this is too cool
aww Channing looks so cute with his cuz Hunter
I'm so excited for ya mama cause I know you'll share the glory with us thank you
This site would be nothing without my readers. I was mostly excited about the pics, because I knew how excited fans get when they learn new bits and pieces about Channing's life.
OMG I come on ur site everyday and I luvvvvv channing he is soooo hot its like hottie-hot-hottie he rocks he is my Idol I luvvv him and I would luuvvv to meet him I would no exactly wat to say I have practice!!!!!!!!!
WOW this pic is tooooo cute lol
I go on this site every single day mainly to see pix like this O it's soooooooo cute.
Salut,...sorry hello!!!
Yes i'm french and i just want tell you that i love your website.
please don't stop!
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