Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight
In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, once a month I profile one special Channing Tatum fan on the blog and give them the "Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
I am excited to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fab Fan Spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Tina from the Philippines. Here is what you should know about Tina:

Tina D.
22 years old
Social Networking Site Profiles:
[MySpace] [Friendster]

I had a REALLY tough time choosing this one but I chose the Vanity Fair Pic. I mean, like, OH MY GAWD!!! anyone that looks into this picture for sure will agree with me. Just the intensity of his eyes makes me wanna kiss the monitor right now that I'm writing this!..But on a serious note, I REALLY LOVE this photo because it shows how Sexy and Hot Channing is. I just love his eyes, his 'smile'.... EVERYTHING!!!
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
My favorite is Step Up. Coz I love dancing. I started dancing and joining in competitions at school when I was still in elementary so that's one of the reasons why I love Step Up. Plus, I love Chan's character in the movie. Like I always say on the Cbox, Chan's character as Tyler Gage, his "bad-boy" image, and a man that loves dancing are the characteristics that I like in a man thats why I fell in love with him on Step Up. I just cant help but watch it over and over again.
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?:
Well, actually its scenes...First is the scene where he gets to kiss Nora ( Jenna ) the for the first time in the movie. Something about the setting of the scene just gets into me. The other one is the scene where Nora's mother catches Tyler and Nora kissing; his facial expression after the ( *ahem* ) of the mom is just too cute! The scene where Nora teaches Tyler the first time, when their heads got close to each other and Chan says " like this? "... SO HOT! ( I hope I made sense in this one). And of course the club scene where Chan danced the B-more Bouce ( the back flip and knee roll thing is so hot! ), and the last scene where Chan says " done ", and when he and Jenna hug at the end of the movie then they do those sweet "tip of the nose-rub thingy"... :D
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
"There's a lot of things that I want now that I didnt used to. Sometimes I even catch myself every once in a while actually thinking I could really have 'em.".. thats my fave quote in the movie. The tone of his voice ( though I know he was directed to say it that way ), it just made it sound SUPER Romantic and Sexy at the same time...the way he says those lines to Nora made me feel like he's saying it to me...
Have you ever met Channing?:
Unfortunately, I havent met him personally. But we have met a couple of times......in my dreams.. :)
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?:
I am a Channing Tatum Fan not only because he's really hot and sexy and georgeous, but because he's a really great actor, and his humble and sincere attitude/characteristics. His love for his family, friends, girlfriend, and especially his love for his fans. From everything that I've read about him, I cannot find any bad fan encounters involving him and thats a characteristic that makes me LOVE and ADMIRE Channing even more. He has always taken the more mature path when dealing with issues and I like that about him. He's a very talented actor, has all those SEXY physical attributes that we all know about, and has a trait that appreciates his FANS sincerely. All of these are in Channing Tatum, what more can you ask for?!
Why does Channing Tatum Unwrapped think that Tina belongs in the Fab Fan Spotlight?
I hope when you read Tina's profile above, you can get a glimpse of why she was the perfect choice for this month's Fab Fan Spotlight. I have to say that this particular choice is close to my heart, because Tina is such an amazing supporter of CTU and an incredible fan to Channing. You can always count on Tina for Picture of the Week submissions, for adding comments to the blog, and for joining in the CTU CBox community on a regular basis. The bottom line is that she really gets it...she's understands why Channing is the type of actor that truly deserves our support and admiration and as a staunch Channing supporter, I really appreciate that a lot. Most importantly, I am so happy to have met such a truly nice, sincere, and caring person who (although she is literally a half a world away from me) I can now call a friend.
Thanks Tina for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight, Tina is able to pick any Channing Tatum DVD she wants, a custom-made poster of Channing Tatum, or the book 'Dear John' (since Channing is going to be in the movie and she is having a hard time finding it in the Philippines) courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped! Tina's Fab Fan Spotlight prize will be sent to her.
Finally, Tina's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will be added on the right side of the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page on the site. Feel free to send your congrats to Tina in the comments on this entry!
Do you want to be in the Fab Fan Spotlight? I will choose and interview readers who have contributed to the Channing Tatum Unwrapped and the Channing Tatum fan community by submitting Pictures of the Week, Videos of the Week, Comments, Graphics, etc. and/or by having groups, profiles, or sites that they made for Channing and his fans. I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
beautiful and sensible girl :)
aww.. thanks natalie.. LOL.. * blushes *
btw, i would just like to thank quishe ( CTU ) for choosing me.. it was hard for me to keep this one a secret when i found out that i was chosen.. LOL... THANKS AGAIN quishe... and i am happy too that i have met a great friend here..
Love ya'll!
that was gr8:D
congratulations, tina!
you seem as great a person as quishe describes you!
you earned it!
much love!
aww... thanks alex!
much love back!
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