Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight
In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, once a month I will profile one special Channing Tatum fan on the blog and give them the "Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
I am excited to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fab Fan Spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Brandi S.. Here is what you should know about Brandi:

Brandi S.
New Jersey
30 years old
Social Networking Site Profiles:
[Fan MySpace]
[Personal MySpace]

This is my fave channing picture (minus the watermark on his forehead!) I chose this as my fave picture because I just think it’s the sexiest picture I have ever seen of him. The look in his eyes is enough to make a girl melt! He is just absolutely beautiful! [Click here to view all of the outtakes from Channing Tatum's Randall Slavin photoshoot for Entertainment Weekly.]
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
That’s a hard one, but Im gonna go with Step Up. Sadly, I actually didn’t know who Channing was until that movie came out in theaters. I just love the storyline, the characters, the music, the dancing, its just a great movie.
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?:
That would have to be his opening scene in Step Up. Since I didn’t really know who he was or what he really looked like, that scene just caught my attention right away. He is so hot and sexy when he dances, from that moment in the theater I was completely hooked. The locker room scene in Coach Carter is a close second though, Channing in nothing but a towel is always alright by me!
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
I have quite a few I like but my fave is at the end of Step Up where he tells Nora "Im fighting for something thats real for the first time in my life" At this moment you know that "Tyler" has finally found himself, finally found what makes him truly happy. It just gives you such a good feeling.
Have you ever met Channing?:
No, I have never met Channing. I wish I had. Its like my one wish or one goal right now. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish it.
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?:
Even though I have never had the chance to meet Channing, I feel like hes a very down to earth, funny, genuine guy. He just gives off this postive vibe. Hes absolutely gorgeous, oh-so talented and is always friendly with his fans. He has this charisma about him that just makes you wanna love him. This is why I chose to be a fan and to start a fan page. I feel hes someone who is worth my time and effort. His stardom has just begun, Hes going to be around for a long time!
Why does Channing Tatum Unwrapped think that Brandi belongs in the Fab Fan Spotlight?
Brandi was one of the first people that popped into my head when I was choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlight. I have always enjoyed her ever-changing MySpace fan page which currently ranks #2 on MySpace when you search for Channing Tatum. What is most impressive about this fan is that she is really creative and does a really great job on her MySpace profile designs and she is really good at keeping fans updated on Channing Tatum news.
Thanks Brandi for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers. I look forward to seeing the next reincarnation of your MySpace fan profile!!!!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight, Brandi was able to pick any Channing Tatum DVD she wanted or a poster of Channing Tatum's birthday gift courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped! Brandi has chosen the birthday gift poster and it will be mailed to her. Finally, Brandi's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will be added on the right side of the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page on the site.
I will choose and interview readers who have contributed to the Channing Tatum Unwrapped and the Channing Tatum fan community by submitting Pictures of the Week, Videos of the Week, Comments, Graphics, etc. or by having groups, profiles, or sites that they made for Channing and his fans. I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
Thanks for putting Brandi in this months Channing fan spotlight, she is my best friend and I know how hard she works on his fan page and she definately deserves this, what a treat for her!!
It's good to see another Fan Spotlight...All this time, I would hear CTU say Brandi did this and Brandi did that. I wasn't completely clueless but still, I was like "Who the hell is Brandi"....Now I know!!LOL!
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