Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight
In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, once a month I profile one special Channing Tatum fan on the blog and give them the "Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
I am excited to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fab Fan Spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Naz from London, England. Here is what you should know about Naz:Name:
Naz, Nazzy, Nazzers, Nazo, Naz a Fraz or Snazzy (which ever one suits you, or if you want to add more, feel free)
About My Picture:
Yeah, probably not what you were expecting, but the only one
you guys are getting! Sadly I dont do pictures, rather have my teeth
pulled out then take pictures.
Take a guess, most of you already know anyway.
Social Networking Site Profiles:
[Facebook Group] [MySpace Profile] Favorite Channing Tatum Picture and Why?:
This is where the torture begins, decisions decisions. ARGH!!!! ..... OK, I am going with the picture I use for my MSN, YM and CBox profile. Why do I like this one, well I love all his pictures but I went with this one because you can see that Chan is a joker, something which is a must in my opinion. If you don't have a sense of humor, life would be pretty dull. You can sense that Chan is a fun person to be around with, someone you would want to keep close to you.
Another reason why I like this picture so much is because his eyes
really stand out. They're just so green and luscious. It's like you can see into his soul, if you know what I mean, if not oh well, can't explain it. And finally I loved this picture because Chan took it himself, which just goes to show what kind of person he is, taking the time to take this picture, he is just amazing. Wow, 1 decision made, more to make, on I go.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
AHHHH!!!!, my favourite Chan movie, you have no idea how hard I am finding this, but I must go on. Ok, I am going to cheat on this one, because I can't possibly choose just one movie. All of them are just too good in there own way. I love Havoc because Chan was just basically standing and breathing, couldn't be bothered to watch the whole movie, just replayed his part, the rest didn't matter. This is the one movie I haven't let my cousins or my little brother watch, and they never will!! Sadly, still haven't watched Supercross, but I'm sure it's great, after all Chan is in it. OMG, She's The Man was so funny, didn't stop laughing I found it that hilarious. This is the movie I watch when I need a good laugh, never get tired of it, Chan, Amanda, Robert Hoffman & co great combination. This is also the first movie I saw Chan in. Coach Carter, what can I say, Chan's character Lyle tried to be the tough guy, but you can see that deep inside he was a softy. Even with a big cast, Chan still stood out, I loved how his character stood up for Timo, even though they didn't get along. Step Up, I love dance movies, I admire the time and effort people put into making these sorts of films. This was also Chan's first lead role, so got to see him a lot more, extra bonus. The chemistry between Jenna and himself was electrifying, you could really see they hit it off. Loved all the dance scenes, just amazing. Then we have A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints, one word WOW! Chan was just explosive in this. He really showed his acting abilities in this one. This is a must see definitely for all Chan's, it's such a powerful movie. And then we come to The Trap, after months of waiting and waiting, we finally got to see Chan, TOPLESS THROUGHOUT, PHWOAR!!! I know he was only in it for a few minutes, but it was a very good few minutes, well worth the wait. Wait no, waiting for movies is torture!!!! Next one in February 2008, GRRRRRRR!!!!!!
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?:
Just so you know, decided to cheat here to, you can't make me choose, well made me choose once, but that's it.
She's The Man – Got to be the gym scene that was just so hilarious. Him flicking open his mobile and then banging his head, trying to act cool...classic. Then he does that little dance, so cute, LOL. The spider scene came a close second, watching Chan scream, LMAO.
Coach Carter – Going with the locker room scene, where he's wearing nothing apart from a towel, enough said!!
Step Up – This one is difficult, let me think.... the scene straight after the dance club scene with Jenna, you saw the sensitive side to his character Tyler, him kind of letting his guard down, and just giving in.
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints – Another difficult one, mmm.... a can't pick just one scene, the whole movie as a whole is awesome, so dramatic.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
I am going to choose a quote from all his movies, well going to try anyway.
She's The Man – 'Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them', this is such a powerful quote, had this as my MSN signature for a long time. No matter who you are or what you are, everyone is great in their own way.
Coach Carter – 'When one person struggles, we all struggle, when one person triumphs, we all triumph', the turning point in the movie, it's when the whole team really became one, when one of their own needed help, they were all their to take the slack.
Step Up –'There are a lot of things that I want now, that I didn't use to, I even catch myself every once in a while actually thinking I can have them' , he proclaims his love for Nora, finally!
A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints – Yeah, don't think I can really put any quotes for this one, it would probably go something like this, 'Bleep bleep bleep', LOL.
Favorite Upcoming Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
Hey, how come I get an extra question to answer, you must really love to torture me. Favourite upcoming movies, I think you guys can guess what I am going to say, ALL OF THEM!!! Step Up 2 The Streets, I know it's only a cameo, but it's a great cameo, that dance scene is out of this world, and I can't wait to see the full dance. Got to give Chan his dues, he done good. I think he brought a little something to the film. Battle In Seattle, love a man in a uniform, and guess what, Chan is in a uniform, way cool. And that's not the only movie where he's in a uniform, there's also Stop Loss, cant wait for this one, Chan crying, poor baby, I know a lot of people who would've loved to just give him a hug. And finally we come to Fighting, even though I think they're still filming, can sense this is going to be another great movie. Although watching Chan get hurt, yeah not looking forward to that part at all, but oh well.
Have you ever met Channing?:
If you're asking about physically meeting Chan, then sadly no. But he's always in my dreams, which for know will have to do until I ever meet him, not that I think I will. Although a lot of people seem to think I will, maybe they know something I don't, if so, spill people because it's not nice keeping secrets, especially if it involves me!
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?:
Why am I fabulous CT fan, mmm...... well, don't know if I'm a fabulous fan, I'm just a regular fan, nothing special. On to why I am a Channing Tatum fan, maybe I should start from the beginning and how I fell in love with him. You guys should probably get comfortable, might be a long one, LOL.
It all started last year in April when I bought She's The Man, I found it really hilarious, Duke WOW HOT (at this moment in time, sadly I didn't know who Channing was, just the person on screen). He was just amazing and the way he played football (football = soccer, and for those who don't know me I'm a really into football so it made me fall in love with him immediately). I then came across him in Coach Carter, still didn't know who he really was, just knew he was sexy as hell. I kept watching the two movies again and again, and my love for Chan grew so much it felt like I was going to explode. Then came the movie that was to change all this, the movie that really blew my mind, Step Up. His first lead major role, he was just breath taking, everything about him just made me melt. Watching him play Tyler, made me believe that anything is possible if you just believe in yourself. Step Up gave me the desire to look Chan up (which was so much more easier at this point, as I now had broadband whereas before had dial up). I searched high and low, anything about him, found some interesting things, which later turned out to be false!!
I then came across this marvellous site. It was March 07. Read all the posts, went through all the pictures, kept going back up to 20 times a day, I just couldn't get enough of it. It was just what I was looking for. What is this site which I'm talking about, well it is CTU of course, DUH! At this moment didn't have the courage to come on the chat box and talk to complete strangers, but seeing that I knew no one who liked him, not even my friends ( which should be illegal, but anyway), signed on the CBox in late July, and have never really left since. I am totally hooked on here, I'm on 24/7 practically (as most of you all have noticed). I now kind of live, breath and eat Chan (not literally, but you know what I mean). I've made a great group of friends, everyone here are like a family, we're here for one another, for the good and the bad. We back each other up and we listen to each other, we may fight (for the most part, it's all pretend) but that's what family do. And this is all down to Chan, because without him, we would never have met each other, and Q would never had made this awesome blog that none of us can live without (Thanks Q, you rock!!).
I feel like I've gotten to know the real Chan, through reading all the posts and encounters. He has such commitment and strength, something we all should strive for. I admire him so much, he's not like other actors/ actresses out there, he's not out there like some people are. He cares for his fans and you can see he is so family driven, the way he is with Jenna and his family, is kind of rare these days. He has this feel good factor, that just makes you want to follow his every foots step. He is the only actor I've ever actually gone to the trouble of finding out all that I can. I wish all the best for the future and here's to hoping a long successful career. I don't know whether I mentioned this, but I LOVE CHANNING MATTHEW TATUM, HE'S DROP DEAD GORGEOUS!!
I am also very proud to say that I am a member of the 'Crazy, Weird, Freaky Chanaholic Chatterbox Society Club' with a severe case of CHANMANIA, along with all my fellow Chantastic Chanaholics, and I love all you guys and I am so glad to be a part of this community.
I did warn you guys this would be long, but I hope it's been a good read. Would just like to say that this has been very difficult for me, 1 making me choose, which I hate, and 2 having to write in regular English, which no longer comes easily for me. Sorry to anyone who prefers my other style, but I had to, for the good of the Chan Fam.
Why does Channing Tatum Unwrapped think that this fan belongs in the Fab Fan Spotlight?
First of all, I have never laughed so much while creating a Fab Fan post. Naz is one of the funniest people I have had the pleasure of knowing, and she has become such an irreplaceable part of the CTU community. The reason why I chose her this month goes beyond her great sense of humor and the fact that she has written the longest Fab Fan Spotlight in CTU history. ;-) I often have found Naz on the chat box greeting new fans, helping them learn the ropes of the site, answering Channing questions from the things she has learned on the site and elsewhere, and encouraging fans to get involved in the community via the forum. She even recently volunteered to create Channing's Christmas video and is already working hard on the project. It's readers like Naz that really make the CTU community feel like a second family for so many fans (me included). I would truly like to thank Naz for everything that she does, because it does not go unnoticed.
Thanks Naz for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight, Naz is able to pick a custom-made poster of Channing Tatum courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped! Naz's Fab Fan Spotlight prize will be sent to her.
Finally, Naz's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will be added on the right side of the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page on the site. Feel free to send your congrats to Naz in the comments on this entry!
Do you want to be in the Fab Fan Spotlight? I will choose and interview readers who have contributed to the Channing Tatum Unwrapped and the Channing Tatum fan community by submitting Pictures of the Week, Videos of the Week, Comments, Graphics, etc. and/or by having groups, profiles, or sites that they made for Channing and his fans. I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
WoW Nazzy, ur soooooo cool ! I Love this Spotlight !
Bye Anz ! :-)
First of all, you owe me a pic because I really like your eyes.
Second, yes I laughed.
Third, thanks to you I'm also tearing up but not just from laughing.
Congrats Naz!! You totally deserve this honor!!
Good job to you too Q!
Much love,
Thnx evry1 =]
Glad y'all luvd it, luvd ritin it, reli enjoyd myself. Thnx Q 4 choosin me, u reli do rock!!
AHHHH SNAZZYYY!! THAT WAS THE FUNNIEST AND MOST ENTERTAINING FAB FAN SPOTLIGHT EVER!!! LMAO!! everything you said there is SOOO TRUE!!! i agree with EVERYTHING!!! you are just an awesome crazy cool girl!! and i am so glad that i can say that you are my friend!! and yes if it wasnt for Q we would have NEVER met!! thanks QUISHE!! and also THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO MAKE CHAN'S CHRISTMAS GIFT!! that is amazing and i am looking forward to seeing it!! NAZ YOU ARE AMAZING!! AND YOU DESERVE EVERY LITTLE OUNCE OF CREDIT!!!
-Alyen! :)
ok i posted a comment earlier... i dont know what happened...but anywho... Congrats Nazo!! =]] I knew it!!!!! lol...this was hilarious! =]] Even though im kinda mad cuz of the pic =[[
Hey b mad @ me as much as ya want, der still gonna b NO PICS!!!!
Lyk I sed, ratha ave my teeth out den take pics =]
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