REMINDER: Channing Tatum's 'Step Up 2' Premieres in France, Algeria, Monaco, Morocco, and Tunisia TODAY and the Ukraine TOMORROW!!!
Jessica T.
from Windham, New York
from Windham, New York
is the lucky winner of an exclusive 'Step Up 2: The Streets' poster signed by the film's director Jon M. Chu especially for CTU readers.
I also want to remind all of the Fabulous Channing Tatum Fans in France, Algeria, Monaco, Morocco, and Tunisia that Channing's highly successful dance hit 'Step Up 2: The Streets' premiered in your countries TODAY. The movie will also premiere in the Ukraine TOMORROW.
'Step Up 2' is actually called 'Sexy Dance 2' in France and 'Шаг вперед 2: Улицы' in the Ukraine. You can CLICK HERE to check out the Ukrainian poster in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped photo gallery.
For my French speaking readers, here's a description of the film:
You can find a lot more information about the movie on the 'Sexy Dance 2' official website and their photo gallery on MySpace and on the French site est une fille d’origine modeste, une rebelle qui s’efforce de trouver sa place au sein de la très respectable Maryland School of the Arts, sans renier pour autant ses racines et son vieux rêve : intégrer la troupe underground 410 qui rassemble les meilleurs danseurs de rue de Baltimore.
Chase est l’étudiant le plus brillant de la MSA - une star en devenir qui aspire à rompre avec les traditions et contraintes de la danse classique. Son but : monter sa propre équipe pour affronter la 410 dans une grande «bataille» de rue.
Irrésistiblement attirés l’un vers l’autre, Chase et Andie arriveront-ils à concilier leurs ambitions respectives, leurs rêves et leurs désirs ?
In addition to the French poster above, I also found the 'Sexy Dance 2' trailer and a promotional video released by the film. You can check out both videos below:
Step Up 2: The Streets' will premiere next in Italy on April 18, 2008.
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