FAN ENCOUNTER: Channing Tatum’s Thank You from a Hometown Hero
As I previously posted, Channing Tatum and the cast and crew of ‘G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra’ honored local service men and women with an early Hometown Hero Screening in San Diego, California during their world-wide press tour before the film was officially released in theaters.
At the event, Senior Community Representative Bill Cegelka presented local Hometown Hero Jose Velazquez and his son, Justin with a personal letter honoring Jose’s service in the US Navy.
In today's Fab Fan Encounter, Jose and his family have sent photos and a thank you letter to Chan and all of the supporters at the event and have given me permission to share...
"A 'G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra' premier was held in San Diego on August 5th. My family and I want to take this moment to thank everyone for supporting the military and us. My family and I had a great opportunity to meet with Channing Tatum, Marlon Wayans, Stephen Sommers, Community Representative Bill Cegelka, Lori Saldana State Assemblywoman, Neil Hoffman and so many others that made it such a great time for us and all because of my son Justin's letter was picked thank you.
We did have sometime to talk with Channing and he was very happy to be there with us and honoring the men and women in uniform. He is so modest and I thank him for that telling me and my family that this event was for us was a great honor. Justin, Raul, Aiko and I send a heart warming thank you for everything and we wish you the best in your career goals and family goals."
- From The Velazquez Family
I want to thank Jose and his family for sending the photos and letter and for all of the sacrifices they make on a daily basis for this country.
If you happen to run into Chan or Jenna, send your photos and fan encounter stories to I will post them on the blog to share with envious fans all around the globe! ;-)
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