Sunday, January 25, 2009

CTU NEWS: Happy Birthday to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan, Naz!!!

Happy Birthday to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan, Naz!!!

to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan and CTU Reader

Naz from London, England

from all of your friends here at CTU!!!

HUGE thanks to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Naz for being such a long time supporter of Channing Tatum and CTU!!!
If you want to participate in the monthly CTU Birthday Program where fans can win a autographed photo of Chan, CLICK HERE to learn how to participate.

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Anonymous said...

ya naz! happy bday. now i wanna know who made this one lol. did quishe make it? or did naz make it for herself lol. naz is fantabulous :) ..bye lol

Blog Expert said...

LOL I thought after all Naz has done for CTU it might be kind of rude to have her make her own graphic, so I whipped this one together just for her. It's a small token of my appreciation for her being the amazing Naz she is.

- Q

Anonymous said...

Hey Naz! Happy Birthday and /big hugz! :-)

Hope you had a wonderful day :-)

- Brad

Anonymous said...

LOL okay Q thats nice of you. and bradford you omg *glares* email me if u see this...

Anonymous said...

u kno i luv u bunches<3
hope u had a great one!! :)


NazK said...

Say wana say thnx 4 all da bday wishes, n BIG thnx 2 Q 4 da awesum graphic, even tho technically it woznt my bday dat day.

N Erin, im nt dat sad dat I wud send in a bday grahic 4 myself!!

BIG hugzzzzzzzz

Blog Expert said...

Not my fault you won't tell anyone the actual date. I had to guess! ;-)

~ Q

Anonymous said...

ok ok ! now i know !! at 1st i thought uve tell every1 when ur bday is. but then i read that its not on that Day. we, i wish u a happy Bday, i know that is in January ! da day is not important !

Love u