In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, I profile members of the
Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Club on the site and give them the "
Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
I am excited to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan
Jen K. from Florida. Here's what you should know about
Name: Jen K.
City: Jacksonville
State: Florida / USA
Age: 26
Social Networking:
MYSPACE (Personal)
Favorite Channing Tatum Picture and Why?: First, he is always beautiful on all of the pictures and it's hard to pick favorite. Second, this one I love because he's bold and it's a really great look on him, not every guy can rock this look! Third, Channing looks good in black!
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?: From the list of movies I saw with Channing so far (haven't watched Fighting yet, I'm sure would love that one) I would have to say 'Stop-Loss'. Really powerful and eye-opening movie. 'Stop-Loss' with Channing playing the role of Steve Shriver really got to me, especially the scene (here goes one of my favorite scenes) where he "lost it" and digs the hole in the front yard like he's digging the grave... This scene gave me chills!
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?: A) My favorite funny scene: In 'She's the Man' where Channing (Duke) and Amanda Bynes (Viola-Sebastian) jumped on the bed when they saw huge tarantula in the room because both got so scared. This scene was hilarious! I was laughing so hard almost fell off the coach!
B) My favorite romantic scene: In 'Step Up' when Nora brought Tyler (Channing) to her favorite spot by the water and they danced in the sunlight! Just beautiful and so romantic!
C) My favorite dramatic scene: In 'A Guide to recognizing your saints' when Giuseppe stood on the subway track, in spite of warnings from his brother Antonio (Channing) that a train was coming, he did not get back on the platform and was killed...The look on Antonio's (Channing) face when train was passing by was unbelievable, so full of pain and horror.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?: “We are soldiers, we stand for something.” Really strong and really gets you thinking...
Favorite Upcoming Channing Tatum Movie (or Movie you haven't seen yet) and Why?: Oh definitely 'Fighting' and 'Dear John'! Hands Down!! I have to be honest about 'Fighting' besides loving the storyline I have to say that Channing looks sooo hot in the 'Fighting' Trailer, everything from his buff bod to his hair, I love him with all that hair on his head!! Its also the movie that Q from CTU got to sit in on for a day. All of us CTU readers got an inside view on her day on set so that makes me even more anxious to see this film. 'Dear John' is a film I'm extremely excited to see because its the first "romance" film Channing is going to be in. Its a really different role from what we are uses to seeing him play and besides that I love the book!!
Have you ever met Channing?: No, never met Channing. This is very sad and upsetting but I have to realize that there is very small chance to meet him, especially with his super busy life style and line of work and me being one of his millions of fans who wants to meet him. But if I got a chance to meet Channing in person I would be the happiest person in the world! That would be amazing.
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?: How can't I be? He is beautiful inside and out. Very talented actor with beautiful eyes and gorgeous smile. He makes me smile and cry and smile again while watching his movies, it take a great actor and great person to do that! Although never met him in person, i feel like Channing is wonderful person inside and out...I'm supporting him in his every film. Running like crazy to Block Buster trying to find something new with Channing on the shelves (every worker at BB knows me and tries to help) Looking forward to see more movies with Channing and hopefully meet him in person!
Jen, for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight,
Jen will receive an exclusive, custom-made 12 month calendar featuring Channing Tatum courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped!!!
Jen's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will soon be added on the right side of
the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page. Feel free to send your congrats to
Jen in the comments on this entry!
Do you want to be featured in an upcoming Fab Fan Spotlight? I will choose and interview a
Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Club member each month. If you are a fan club member and would like to be spotlighted, send an email to and let me know your fan club username and why you are a Channing Tatum fan.
I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
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