CTU NEWS: Over 3,300 Icons and MySpace Layout Graphics in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery
DID YOU KNOW?...The Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery currently has over 3,300 photos of Channing Tatum from his personal and professional life that CTU readers can download and use to your heart's content.
You can get to the photo gallery in the navigation under the header at the top of each page on the blog. You can also access the photo gallery by clicking on any picture in the Flickr Badge on the left side panel of the blog. Here's how it looks...
You are able to view the photos in various ways in the gallery. Here are the most popular options:
- Sequentially
This shows photos in the order they were added to the gallery. At the bottom of the page, you can even subscribe to an RSS feed so you don't miss any of the new pictures. - By Set
This shows the photos grouped by a particular event or type of event (i.e. 'Step Up' Premiere, Greg Gorman Photoshoot). - By Collection
This groups the afore-mentioned sets into major categories (i.e. Public Appearances, Modeling and Photoshoots, Movies and TV Shows). - By Archive Date
This allows you to view the photos via a calendar based on when the photos were added to the gallery.
How to Download Photos in Various Sizes
What you many not realize is that you are able to download each of the photos in the gallery in various sizes. The gallery automatically resizes photos so you can download each one from its original size (great for MySpace profiles and wallpapers) all the way down to a thumbnail size that you can easily use for avatars in forums and on the Channing Tatum Unwrapped chat box.
Here's how easy it is to download the different photo sizes...
Above and to the left of each image, you should see a link that says "All Sizes" below the picture title.

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