CTU NEWS: Give Channing Tatum a Gift and Win a Personally Autographed Magazine!!!
Want to give Channing Tatum a Christmas gift?
Well, here's your chance to do it and maybe get a little something for yourself!
Well, here's your chance to do it and maybe get a little something for yourself!
Channing Tatum Unwrapped is going to create a fan video for our favorite actor as his Christmas gift this year. Starting today, Fabulous Channing Tatum Fans around the world can now start submitting pictures of yourselves or your favorite pictures of Channing to CTU so they can be added to the fan video.
Each fan is allowed to submit one photo of yourself or your favorite Channing photo. I personally prefer for you to send a picture of yourself so Chan can see his fans.
Please use a graphics tool like Microsoft Paint, Photoshop Elements, or one of the online tools that let you add the following text to the bottom right corner your photos if possible, so Chan will know who you are and where you're from:
- Name
- City
- State (Only for US Residents)
- Country
Once you have added your text to the photo, you then need to email it to gift@channingtatumunwrapped.com by the November 30th submission deadline.

One lucky gift giver will win the autographed issue of the June 2007 Interview Magazine where Channing Tatum was chosen as one of their 'New Pop A-List: 50 to Watch (Age 30 or Under)'.
Show your love for Channing and help us make an awesome Christmas gift for him by submitting your photo to CTU by November 30, 2007 and you may just get a little piece of Channing as a gift for yourself! ;-)
I will announce the winner of the autographed magazine on the blog on December 1, 2007.
Can we see the video later, when it will be done?
I will definitely post the completed video on the blog.
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