Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight
In an effort to help CTU readers learn more about each other, once a month I profile one special Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Club member on the site and give them the "Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Spotlight" award.
It's my pleasure to announce that this month's Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fab Fan Spotlight is dedicated to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Joselyn from California.
Here is what you should know about Joselyn:
Favorite Channing Tatum Picture and Why?:
I have 2 favorites. I love the 1st photo because Channing looks very classy. He looks like one of those polished, stylish men from the Hugo Boss ads. I love the 2nd photo because he and Jenna both look so happy with each other. The photo shows that Channing is a good boyfriend because you can see in his smile that he’s happy to be around Jenna and would do anything to make her happy.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie and Why?:
'She’s the Man', because it’s one of my favorite movies, & I loved his character, Duke Orsino. I think Channing did a really great job in that movie because he had great chemistry w/ the other actors and actresses. Plus, he showed that he’s really good at soccer.
Favorite Channing Tatum Scene and Why?:
The scene in 'She’s the Man' when he & Amanda Bynes’s character Viola are in the dorm room, and he’s telling her how he thinks there’s more to a person than just how they look. Channing put a lot of feeling into the scene, so that it seemed really real. It also showed that he is a really great actor.
Favorite Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
“Be not afraid of greatness, some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.”- 'She’s the Man'. I like this quote because it’s kind of the turning point of the movie when his character (Duke) shows that he accepts Viola to be on his soccer team. It’s also cool how Channing can turn a Shakespeare quote into something amazing!
Favorite Upcoming Channing Tatum Movie Quote and Why?:
‘Public Enemies’ because it sounds really interesting. Plus, there are a TON of other great actors & actresses in that movie!
Have you ever met Channing?:
No, but I would love to! He’s on my list of ‘must meet’ actors.
Why are you a Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan?:
I think Channing is a really talented actor and dancer. 'She’s the Man' is the 1st movie I’ve seen him in, and I thought he was *fabulous* in it! I also love how he doesn’t act in movies just for the fame. He seems like a really modest and down-to-earth kind of person. I admire how he uses his fame to raise awareness for the less fortunate, like with the Rock4Change project
Thanks, Joselyn, for letting me profile you and for taking the time to share all of your info with the other readers!
As the subject of the Fab Fan Spotlight, Joselyn will receive an exclusive, custom-made 12 month calendar featuring Channing Tatum courtesy of Channing Tatum Unwrapped!!!
Finally, Joselyn's Fab Fan Spotlight profile will soon be added on the right side of the blog so other Channing Fans can learn about her from any page. Feel free to send your congrats to Joselyn in the comments on this entry!
Do you want to be featured in an upcoming Fab Fan Spotlight? I will choose and interview a Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Club member each month. If you are a fan club member and would like to be spotlighted, send an email to fabfan@channingtatumunwrapped.com and let me know your fan club username and why you are a Channing Tatum fan.
I am currently choosing the next Fab Fan Spotlighter, so be on the lookout for an email from me requesting an interview and the next FFS might just be you!
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