Friday, August 31, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Public Screenings Announced for Channing Tatum's 'Battle in Seattle' at the Toronto International Film Festival

As you may or may not already know, Channing Tatum's new movie 'Battle in Seattle' will have it's world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival which runs from September 6 - 15, 2007. Below you will find dates and times for the public film screenings and information about the movie so you can purchase tickets to the shows if you're lucky enough to be in or near Toronto. Here is the festival information for the movie:


Saturday September 0803:00PM RYERSON

Monday September 1003:00PM SCOTIABANK THEATRE 2


Production Company: Remstar Productions Inc./Insight Film Studios Ltd./ Proud Mary Entertainment
Executive Producer: Julien Remillard
Producer: Mary Aloe, Kirk Shaw, Maxime Remillard
Screenplay: Stuart Townsend
Cinematographer: Barry Ackroyd
Editor: Fernando Villena
Production Designer: Chris August
Sound: Bill R. Dean
Music: One Point Six Ltd.
Principal Cast: Martin Henderson, Michelle Rodriguez, Charlize Theron, Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, André Benjamin, Rade Sherbedzija, Connie Nielsen, Channing Tatum


The riots that confronted the World Trade Organization’s 1999 meeting in Seattle forced politically minded citizens into some tough intellectual deliberation. First there were the horrible images of smashed windows and police brutality on the news. Questions sprang up: When does a protest stop being peaceful? And what constitutes the appropriate application of law and order in such a situation? At the same time, the politics of globalization came under the microscope. Increasingly unfettered multinational business seems to be increasing wealth in developing nations – but at what cost to the social fabric? All of these issues and more lie at the heart of actor Stuart Townsend’s provocative and heartfelt debut as a director, Battle in Seattle.

The film follows multiple fictional storylines about people affected by the crisis, crossing the spectrum of debate and confrontation to examine what was going on inside and outside the Seattle convention space. The film grounds the sometimes heady politics of civil liberties and global economics by focusing on people’s individual experiences of the event. While its political sympathies clearly tip toward the protestors, Battle in Seattle maintains a certain open-endedness that allows for reasoned continuing debate.

Terrific performances from a wonderful ensemble cast help the director immeasurably. Townsend’s real-life partner, Charlize Theron, is heartbreaking as Ella, the wife of a police officer, who is forced to contend with unexpected violence, finding herself on the wrong side of authority. Ray Liotta as Seattle mayor Jim Tobin and Woody Harrelson as Ella’s husband, Dale, one of the city’s SWAT-like policemen, are key figures; we watch as their ordered view of the world slowly unravels. Michelle Rodriguez, Martin Henderson and AndrĂ© Benjamin play the most prominent protestors, their often naive enthusiasm dulled by mass arrests and mood swings as media reports blame them for the destruction and violence. The wonderful Rade Sherbedzija (also in Fugitive Pieces, our Opening Night Gala) provides an alternative – even ironic – perspective as Dr. Maric, who is fighting for lives in the developing world. Inside the convention centre, he defends his cause to uncaring bankers and trade representatives. His pleas become even less relevant to the room after the well-meaning protests outside become incandescent.

- By Noah Cowan


Stuart Townsend was born in Dublin and studied at the Gaiety School of Acting there. He started performing for the stage and in Irish short films before landing his first feature-film role in Trojan Eddie (96). His other film acting credits include Shooting Fish (97), Under the Skin (97), Wonderland (99), About Adam (00), Queen of the Damned (02), The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (03) and Head in the Clouds (04). Battle in Seattle (07), which he also wrote, is his feature directorial debut.


Canadian Distributor: Remstar Distribution
International Sales Agent: Hyde Park Entertainment

I don't know at this time if one of these public screenings will actually be the world premiere with all of the stars (including Chan), so I will let you all know when I find out more information.

Thanks to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Lisa for giving me the heads up that this information had been posted on the TIFF site!

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

BLAST FROM THE PAST: Channing Tatum and the Beauty Queen

If you can't be around a person all of the time to get to know them for yourselves, sometimes you have to get to know them through people who have been lucky enough to hang out with them.

The cool thing about Channing Tatum is he seems to quickly make an extremely positive, strong, and unforgettable impression on the people he meets and lucky for us, they like to write about it!

After a short encounter at what looks like a local Austin mall, we are able to see Channing's charismatic personality intoxicate yet another fan by just being himself.

When Channing was shooting 'Stop Loss' in the Austin, Texas area last year, he ran into the 2006 Miss Austin USA, Sheena Monnin. What did Sheena have to say about her brief encounter with Channing? Here's her opinion of our favorite actor in her own words from an October 6, 2006 post on her website...

Have you ever seen someone or read about someone and felt an instant liking for them? That was how I felt when I saw Channing Tatum star in Step Up - he has such a magnanimous personality that it is hard not to like him as an actor! He proved to be an incredible person as well when I spent some time with him while he was in Austin wrapping up a movie with Ryan Phillippe.

Channing has the ability to fill the room with energy and charisma. My mom, my publicist Vicki and I were highly entertained as he charmed us with stories of his life and kept us in laughter with his sense of humor. I think Channing is on his way to the top of Hollywood and has the high level of talent similar to that of my all time favorite actor, Russell Crowe.

Sounds like she might have a bit of a crush on our Chan, but can you really blame her? All I can say is, "Get in line, Sister!!! The end of the line is WAY back there! And Chan will be the first to tell you Jenna is holding on tight to first place." Just kidding (sort of)! :-D :-P

Once again, it's always nice to see how many good things people have to say about Channing as a person and as an actor. It just really makes me proud to be a fan and especially proud to be a part of his team through his official site. It just shows what having a solid support system can do for an actor in the crazy world of Hollywood and Chan definitely has that in his family and friends.

I would like to thank Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Naz for finding this great picture!!!

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Graphic Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Picture of the Week was created and submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan Fan Adam from Ireland who works hard on the fan pages Jenna's Troup and Channing's Army on MySpace. Here's a great picture of Channing from way back in his modeling days, but is still one of his most popular photos in my option. Enjoy!

Thanks, Adam, for making and sending in this great fan graphic!

CTU Readers will soon find this graphic and all of the others that were created and submitted by our fabulous readers in the Fan Graphics Set of the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery.

Also, I just wanted to remind everyone to enter the Channing Tatum Unwrapped contest where you can win an autographed photo of Channing from his upcoming film 'Battle in Seattle'. CLICK HERE to learn all about it and enter the free drawing. Here's an adorable picture that Adam and his sister Kirsten sent in to enter the contest:

It does not increase their chances of winning (since it's a random drawing), but they get an 'A' for effort and I thought it was a really fabulous idea to send in a picture!

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like today's picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Channing Tatum and Oliver Stone's 'Pinkville'...Sean Penn's Out and Bruce Willis Is In

As I reported in my project update a few days ago, Channing will be starring in Oliver Stone's Vietnam war drama 'Pinkville' after Chan completes filming his cameo in 'Step Up 2: The Streets' this summer and his untitled street fighting movie this fall.

Today's top stories on and are reporting that instead of Sean Penn, it seems that veteran actor Bruce Willis has now been cast to star with Channing in 'Pinkville', which is budgeted to be around a $40 million film. Tom Cruise’s United Artists is said to be finalizing a deal with Stone to finance the movie.

This is a very cool announcement, because a $40 million budget
with Tom Cruise's UA backing the film, plus Oliver Stone, plus Bruce Willis, plus Chan (of course) may just be putting this film on the road to blockbuster status!!! :-D

Hollywood Reporter also says that an actor by the name of Michael Pena is currently in talks to play the third lead role. If all goes as planned, Channing will be filming 'Pinkville' early next year.

Here's the article that gives all of the newest details about the movie and the heroic characters that Channing Tatum and Bruce Willis will play:

United Artists Near Deal for 'Pinkville'

Oliver Stone drama stars Bruce Willis

Oliver Stone is heading back to Vietnam.

He is closing a deal with United Artists to finance "Pinkville," a drama about the investigation of the 1968 My Lai massacre that he would direct. Pic would be distributed through MGM.

Bruce Willis and Channing Tatum will star. Mikko Alanne wrote the script.

A UA commitment could be finalized this week, putting the picture into production by early next year, with a budget of roughly $40 million.

It marks the fourth time Stone has directed a film set against the backdrop of the Vietnam War, following Oscar winner "Platoon," "Heaven & Earth" and "Born on the Fourth of July." "Pinkville" also reunites the director with Tom Cruise, who starred in "Born on the Fourth of July" and who, with partner Paula Wagner, is now a co-owner of UA.

Willis will play Army Gen. William R. Peers, who supervised the investigation into the massacre by U.S. soldiers of as many as 500 My Lai villagers, most of them unarmed women, children and elderly.

Tatum will play Hugh Thompson, a helicopter pilot who, upon realizing what was happening below, put a stop to the killing by placing his craft between gunmen and the few villagers who were left, and telling his two shipmates to fire on the soldiers if they shot any more people. They airlifted the survivors and reported the carnage to superiors.

Pinkville is the description on a military map for the region where My Lai is.

Stone had been expected to follow "World Trade Center" with a drama about the CIA's attempt to catch Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan after 9/11.

Instead, he will tackle "Pinkville," which is set up as a mystery but explores the themes of barbarism and heroism. Thompson was initially excoriated for his actions, while Peers' revelation of one of the most atrocious acts in U.S. military history (and subsequent military cover-up) helped galvanize opposition to the war.

Alanne, who wrote and directed the 1997 docu "Voice of Dissent" about the LAPD and the murder of Sen. Robert Kennedy, most recently scripted "Notorious," about the killings of rappers Biggie Smalls and Tupac Shakur.

Sources: Variety, Hollywood Reporter

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Monday, August 27, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Update on 'Step Up 2: The Streets' and Channing Tatum's Cameo

After getting a ton of amazing happy birthday messages from many CTU readers, friends, and Chan's family, my birthday weekend was capped off with a really awesome and unexpected email from Channing himself telling me happy birthday. It was insanely sweet of Chan to take the time to do that and just made it the best birthday I have ever had.

I also want to thank everyone for joining in on the Virtual Party. There were a ton of people there and we really had a blast! Thanks again for helping me celebrate by birthday and CTU becoming OFFICIAL in style!!!! I had a really awesome time!

In addition to singing me the 'Happy Birthday' song in the email (which was completely ADORABLE!!), Chan also let me know a little bit about what he's been up to.

He spent all of last week in New York getting ready for his new Dito Montiel directed street fighting movie with Terrence Howard. He was going to wrack up some frequent flyer miles by going home to California for a day and then he had to turn around and go to Baltimore to film his cameo in 'Step Up 2: The Streets'. The typical life a jet setter.

Chan told me, "I go to Baltimore for a little part in 'Step Up 2', Haha I'm really kinda nervous to go dance again. I haven't really danced like that in a long time. Gotta get the juices flowin again, shake off the rust."

I told him how excited all of the fans are about his cameo in 'Step Up 2' and that he could pretty much just stand there and breathe and the fans (including me) would love it. Although I was surprised (and totally endeared) to hear he was nervous, I was extremely happy to know that he would actually be dancing as a part of his cameo.

Speaking of dancing in Step Up 2: The Streets'...they have extended the voting deadline to September 4, 2007 at 9pm Pacific time to vote on your favorite solo dancer or dance crew on their website. You can click on the image below to go to the site, view the videos and vote.

You can also view a new video for the movie with singer/dancer/actress Cassie talking about the dancing and singing contests for the film.

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Sunday, August 26, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, and 'Step Up' Win 2007 Teen Choice Award

Although Fox did not air the award on the telecast and I had to scour the internet to get the winners list (since Fox is also taking their sweet time posting a complete winners list), it is my pleasure to announce that Channing Tatum, Jenna Dewan, and their dance hit 'Step Up' won a 2007 Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Dance!!!!!

Because of their project schedules, I don't think that either of them were able to make the show, but tune in to Channing Tatum Unwrapped tomorrow. Chan contacted me today and I have an update on one of his highly anticipated projects.

Also, Chan wanted me to thank all of the fans for the amazing support that we give him. In addition to their performances, our votes are what helped them to get this award and fans should really be proud of themselves, especially since 'Step Up' came out over a year ago. It may be long gone out of the theaters, but fans made sure that Chan, Jenna, and 'Step Up' were not forgotten.

Congrats to Chan and Jenna!

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Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Photo Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Picture of the Week was submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Kerline from New York.

This is one of the gorgeous pictures from Channing's recent Vanity Fair photo shoot.

Here is why Kerline chose this photo as the Picture of the Week:

All I have to say is ... there's nothing better than Channing on a black and white picture. Channing looks so SEXY!!!

- Kerline

Thank you Kerline for submitting this photo! I agree with you by the way. I LOVE Channing's black and white photos! In case you missed it or just want to take another look, CTU readers can CLICK HERE to to see the entire magazine article scan and you can CLICK HERE to see the online article that also declared Chan as one of Tinseltown's Next Generation Men.

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like today's picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too by clicking on the comments link below. :-)

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Help Me Interview Channing Tatum's 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints' Co-Star

As some of you may already know, I have been working on getting an interview with one of Channing's co-stars from his award-winning movie 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints'. I now know who the actor is going to be and I need to get the interview questions ready for them today.

I want readers to have a chance to submit questions too and I will choose some of your questions for the interview.

If you have questions that you would like to ask about the movie production or about working with Channing, please email them to me TODAY at When I post the interview, you will get to see if your question was chosen or not.

Thank you in advance for helping me with this!!

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It's My Birthday and I'll Give If I Want To...

OK the title of this post may be a little lot cheesy, but just be grateful you can't hear me actually sing it. I have a lot of talents, but I'll be the first to admit that singing is not one of them.

Anyway, I really want to thank everyone for all of the great Happy Birthday's I have been getting for hours on the CBox, via email, and on MySpace, since many of CTU's readers are on the other side of the world. It really means a lot to me that you all would take the time to do that!

A couple of readers even sent me some really cool graphics and I wanted to share them with everyone. The first graphic is NOT REAL and was made by CTU Reader Miguel R.. The second graphic was made by CTU Reader Vienna from Germany.

These are so awesome!!! Thank you Miguel and Vienna for taking the time to make them! And I can't tell you how much I wish Miguel's pic was real! He was ingenious enough to combine a picture of Chan and Jenna and a picture of my husband and I. Don't really know how my husband and Jenna would feel about that. I'm thinking they'll just have to get over it, because in case you haven't heard, it's my birthday!!! :-P

Anyway, it may be MY birthday, but I want to give one lucky CTU reader and Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan a gift. Channing Tatum's movie 'Battle in Seattle' will have it's world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) which runs from September 6 - 15, 2007.

The massive film festival boasts some 340,000 annual admissions and 'Battle in Seattle' was one of the lucky 349 films chosen for the prestigious Canadian festival.

So to celebrate my birthday, CTU's new OFFICIAL status, and the premiere of BIS at TIFF, I am going to choose one lucky CTU reader to get an autographed photo of Channing Tatum on the set of 'Battle in Seattle'. Here's the autographed photo that you can win if you enter:

If you want to enter the contest, please send an email to on or before September 5, 2007 letting me know that you want to win the autographed photo. On September 6, 2007, I will randomly choose one Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan and will announce the winner on the blog.


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Friday, August 24, 2007

CTU EXCLUSIVE NEWS: Channing Tatum Project Update...Chan Will 'Fight' and 'Step Up 2', But Won't 'Push'

One of my goals once CTU became Channing Tatum's official site was to get an accurate list of upcoming projects to the fans.

In the crazy movie business it's very difficult to juggle schedules, so projects will be announced with actors tied to them and then often, scheduling conflicts or other factors will make that cast list change prior to the start of filming. We've already seen this happen recently with Channing Tatum and the ill-fated 'Poor Things' project that was delayed by Lindsay Lohan and other production factors.

Well it seems that the scheduling conflict issues have reared their ugly head again, but since CTU is now Channing's official site (Sorry I can't seem to stop saying that. I promise it'll wear off soon...maybe :-P ), I can get the low-down on what projects Channing is actually going to be working on. Mind you, things happen and could change, but here is what Channing's camp is telling me now...

As I previously posted, Channing Tatum is scheduled to start filming his untitled underground street fighting movie with Oscar nominated actor Terrence Howard and director Dito Montiel next month. He is currently meeting with both of them in New York where his girlfriend Jenna Dewan also happens to be filming her most recent project. That's why we were able to see our favorite couple together at Butter earlier this week in New York. I'm sure they'll be happy that they get to work near each other.

Channing's previously announced project 'Push' also starts filming in Hong Kong next month, which is where the scheduling conflict comes in. Although Channing has a list of skills as long as my arm, he has yet to master the difficult talent of being in two places at one time. Now once that whole replication thing is perfected, I'm thinking there's a market for Channing clones.

OK back to reality...

His camp is telling me that the fighting movie has beat out 'Push' in the scheduling wars, which means that Channing will remain stateside and will hopefully be filming in New York.

Even more exciting is that they confirmed Channing's cameo in 'Step Up 2: The Streets' is still on his schedule, so fans can now breath a sigh of relief and rejoice in the fact that we will once again see Chan in a 'Step Up' film. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Finally, I am told that his next project will probably be the Oliver Stone directed Vietnam movie 'Pinkville' where Channing is set to co-star with Oscar & Golden Globe winner and veteran actor Sean Penn. From the director with three Oscars to the Oscar winning co-star, a film with that kind of pedigree is an amazing opportunity for Channing and his career. I am so happy that he has been cast in this film and being cast in it is a shining example of how Hollywood feels about Channing and his abilities.

So that's it's for now. I will update all of the upcoming projects on the blog to reflect what I've told you above and stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped for daily news on what's going on in Chan's world!

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Thursday, August 23, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Photo Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Picture of the Week was submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Allison.

It's a very hot and horribly sexy photo of Channing Tatum from the 2006 Lalli X book called 'Sexbomb!'.

Not that we really need an explanation, but here is why Allison chose this photo as the Picture of the Week:

Hi, my name is Allison and I am like so in love with this picture of Channing Tatum! I love the way that he is looking at the photographer while they were shooting this picture! I also love how he has his lips! They look so NICE!! && I cant forget his body! Its ripped which is SOOO SEXY!! HE IS FIERCE! I LOVE CHANNING TATUM!!

Thanks, Allison, for sending in this photo! All of the photos of Channing in this book are just breath taking. Readers can click here to view a slideshow of some of the other Channing photos in 'Sexbomb!'. And don't forget to check out CTU's Photo Gallery that currently has over 2000 Channing Tatum photos!

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like today's picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Channing Tatum Is Joined by Terrence Howard in New Fight Film

It was just announced that Oscar nominated Terrence Howard ('Hustle & Flow', 'Pride', 'Crash') will be joining Channing Tatum in his upcoming Dito Montiel directed underground street fighting circuit film.

Chan will star in the film as a young man who gets drawn into the circuit as a way to escape his circumstances. You can click here to learn even more about the movie.

Howard told MTV in an interview that the movie is currently called "It's Called Fighting", but a spokesperson for the film’s distributor, Rogue Pictures, however told them the title has not yet been determined and that ‘It’s Called Fighting’ is currently what’s written on the script.

Variety says that Howard will play a veteran street fighting coach and mentor to Chan's character, and Howard tells MTV that the movie is kind of like another film called ‘Midnight Cowboy', which was released in 1969 managed to win 3 Oscars.

On a random note, I actually met Terrence Howard years ago near my home at a local mall. He was very nice and even autographed a napkin for me as the poor guy was trying to eat his mall lunch. I personally think that Terrance Howard is an amazing actor and I look forward to seeing Channing work with someone of his calibur.

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CTU EXCLUSIVE: Channing Tatum's Mom Sends Baby Pictures to CTU!!!!!

WARNING: This post may be hazardous to your health. If the cuteness in any of these pictures causes labored breathing, uncontrolled screaming, heart palpitations, or any other crazy fan reaction, you should call for help. You have been warned.

Now on to OFFICIAL business...

Who wins the Best Mom EVER Award (right after my Mom of course)? Well, I would have to say Channing's mom Kay is getting my vote.

Why? Producing a talented, gorgeous, yet, humble Channing is probably more than enough reason, but more recently, sending me baby pictures of Channing has solidified her place in Best Mom EVER history!

Can't even tell you how happy I am to type the following sentence...

In the two CTU Official site EXCLUSIVE pictures below we see an adorable 2 year old Channing Tatum on the farm in Alabama in his undies with his favorite horse.

You read that right...Channing Tatum as a cutie patootie 2 year old. I could really get used to this official thing. Enjoy!!!!

I have to say that only my boys are cuter and who knew he started modeling underwear so early? No wonder why he's so good at it! :-D

I don't know which is cuter, Channing before or Channing after, but I'm sure most fans would take either one of them!

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Mama Chan! You now officially have your very own fan following. :-)

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Video of Channing Tatum and Girlfriend Jenna Dewan Hanging Out in New York City Last Night

Check out this video of Channing Tatum and his girlfriend Jenna Dewan last night in New York leaving the club Butter with stars like Ashanti after an Estrada Entertainment party.

The New York Daily News also says that Channing, Jenna and other guests like Diddy, Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Steve Nash, Michelle Trachtenberg stuck to Evian for the night, showing that fun can still be had even when you're sober. What a novel and refreshing idea!!! (OK I'll get off my LiLo soap box.)

CLICK HERE or on the image to the left to watch our favorite cute couple, Chenna, trying to politely get around paparazzi flanking them.

Notice in the video that Chan is wearing a PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) t-shirt. As if we needed more reasons to love him? He's good to his fans AND he's trying to help the animals too.

The video comes to us courtesy of Chan and Jenna can be seen about 27 seconds into the video and are on for about 10 seconds. Enjoy!

UPDATE (August 22, 2007): If you could not see the video before, please try it again. Thanks to Fabulous Chenna Fan and CTU reader Vivian, for finding another link to the video.

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Channing Tatum Videos of the Week: Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes Hilarious MSN Interview

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped is going to post our favorite Channing Tatum fan videos, interviews, and/or movie clips from our Channing Tatum Unwrapped YouTube Video Playlist and other places on the internet.

Today's hilarious Video of the Week was submitted bu Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Marlie from New York. It's a hilarious interview with Channing Tatum and Amanda Bynes and is almost as funny as their popular movie She's the Man. I was not able to download this video and get it onto YouTube, so you will have to endure the 15 second commercial right before the 4 minute video, but I definitely think it's worth the wait.

Marlie says she submitted this video, because it made her crack up when she first saw it and she thinks Channing has a really a cute laugh.

Here is why the video is so funny to me...Channing opens the interview talking about having a Pajama Party with the interviewer and shows us his best girly pose after a request from the interviewer and his co-star. Hilarity ensues when, in the middle of the interview, Channing fights off a bug that was obviously as attracked to him as we are and ends the interview by showing his support for the "Girl Power" movement. Click here or on the image above to see the funny interview. Enjoy!

If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.

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BLAST FROM THE PAST: Interview with Channing Tatum and Chazz Palminteri for 'A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints'

Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan, CTU Reader, and avid CBox chatter Naz found a couple of great interviews posted by on February 10, 2006 that I had not seen before with Channing Tatum and his 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints' mentor/co-star/on-screen surrogate father Chazz Palminteri.

Chan's article even has a picture that I had not seen before, so this was a great find by Naz and I appreciate her taking the time to send me the link. Below you will see Channing's entire interview and the parts of Chazz's interview where he talks about his experiences with the talented actor. Enjoy!

Interview: Channing Tatum (A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints)

It's no secret Channing Tatum is hot and talented. He's about to explode over here in the U.S. and he shows off his impressive skills and assets in "A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints"

MPF sat down with Channing about a week ago to talk about his new film. Easy on the eyes and a talented up and comer, Channing chatted about playing the role of Antonio (a real life guy).

MPF: At the end of this whole experience, what did you learn about playing this character?

Channing: I learned that everyone doesn’t have to like the character. Chazz told me that. They just have to understand it. That was the one piece of advice that I’ve taken from this experience with this movie. It was better than any acting class. I think that’s why people get caught up in picking roles. People want to be the hero. It’s so much more important to do roles that are not that because it’s more real. People aren’t walking around thinking that they have to be this great guy, just be themselves and try to let other people know it’s okay to be who they are. As long as people will understand why Antonio did the things he did and was the way he was.

MPF: How did you get along with Chazz Palminteri?

Channing: He was, by far, my mentor in the whole thing. He’s been very fatherly from day one, from the first scene to the last scene.

MPF: What was it like filming in Astoria? Did you run into the real people from Dito Montiel’s childhood?

Channing: It was Nerve racking. We filmed at Antonio’s house. His little brother and sister were always coming out and running around and I’m sitting there and thinking, “My God. They can’t see me. I gotta get out of here.” The first thing everyone asked was, “Who’s playing Antonio?” They didn’t want to know who’s playing Dito. Antonio was like a superhero in this neighborhood. It was very humbling. I would tell everybody that I’m not trying to be Antonio. I can’t try to be, if I’ve never met him. I think I’ve done him a good service. Anyone else would have just fallen on their face trying to duplicate him. All I was trying to do was to recreate the relationship and duplicate the love.

MPF: Can you talk about the upcoming Kimberly Pierce film? Isn't it about Iraq?

Channing: It’s going really well. We’re right in the middle of it. It’s intense like "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints" is, but in totally different way. It’s about two best friends who come back from the war. It’s not really about the war, in a way. Yeah, it’s a war film, but it’s really about these people and their relationships and their love for each other. Just like in "A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints", it's about change, the war has changed them. They don’t know what’s going to happen. Certain things kind of put them through a trial. The two kids growing up together end up going in different directions and it’s painful. It’s not anti-war. If anything, it’s just more about the soldiers and it’s like an ode to them.

MPF: Why did you choose this role?

Channing: When I read it, I was like crying my eyes out in the tub. But basically, my best friend growing up was Antonio. So, as I’m reading it, I’m like, “Oh my God, this is Matt”. (His best friend)
I was more like Dito in my life. I walked away from a few people like that and I feel like I just knew him. I would throw up if I saw anyone else mess with him because everyone was afraid of him, but we were the softest people who were just misunderstood.

Final Impression of Channing Tatum:

Did we mention he was hot? Yes, but besides that obvious fact, Channing Tatum is a talented and warm guy. I mean, how much hotter can you get then crying in the tub? Anyway, he's a great newcomer and I expect to see a ton of great things from him in the future.

Interview: Chazz Palminteri (A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints)

MPF: Did you relate to the character?

Chazz: When we did the scene with the seizure, all of a sudden Channing broke something's, glass was all over the place and then when they said “Cut!”, some of the people got upset with him because they thought he was out of control which he wasn’t. It’s just because Dito told him to do whatever he wanted, so a few people from the set yelled at him and I didn’t like that, so stood up and I said, “Don’t yell at the kid.” I did it as me, but, subconsciously I knew what I was doing. It kind of like bonded our soul together. I said, “If you want to yell at somebody, yell at me.”

MPF: Talk about working with a young actor like Channing Tatum.

Chazz: I knew that Channing was going to bust out any second. I said to him, “Listen to me very carefully. You’re going to bust out very big really soon. Don’t f**k it up. Stay focused on the work. Stay strong.” He listened to everything. He’s a great actor and he has great instincts. We were doing our scenes together and I told him some things to do and he did it right away. Then in the next take he did it again and I didn’t have to tell him twice. He was like a sponge.

Thanks again Naz for finding these great articles!


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Monday, August 20, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Update on Channing Tatum's Movie 'Poor Things'

If you've been reading the blog a while, then you know that Channing Tatum was chosen along with Lindsay Lohan (aka LiLo) and Rosario Dawson for roles in the movie 'Poor Things'.

Just to quickly recap, LiLo went to rehab for the second time this year right around the time the movie was supposed to start filming in May, she extended her stay in rehab (a lot of good that did her), had a relapse quickly after exiting the extended rehab, and is now in her third try at rehab this year in Utah. Now in the middle of all of that mess, 'Poor Things' decided to stick by their troubled starlet, lost Channing in the process, and replaced him with Giovanni Ribisi.

Channing went from being listed as part of the cast on the movie's IMDB profile to being listed as rumored with Giovanni added to the list and now only Giovanni remains on the cast list.

So finally the IMDB profile for the movie has been updated to reflect what we all have known for quite sometime. Channing is not going to be in 'Poor Things' at this point, because of scheduling conflicts caused by LiLo-induced production delays. Just so you know, I am basing this on information from production insiders and the IMDb update. I am hoping I can confirm this and all of the rest of Chan's project committments very soon.

But if you talk to crew and cast who were working on the project, they are saying that the entire production either has been canceled or is extremely close to being canceled completely.

One poster on IMDB who worked with the production said the following, "I was working on it. It's been over for a while...The offices are all but shut down and no one is on staff any more. There is no movie."

An actress who had a role on the film contacted me and had this to say, "The movie has been 'shelved'. I spoke to Shirley's [MacLaine's] publicist a few days ago and even SHE didn't know what was happening. Nobody is talking, but I was told the 'offices' for the production are shut down (at a Marina del Rey Hotel) and that everyone is going off to do other projects. I stopped getting calls about what was happening or when or where or how around mid July."

We may never get to see Channing in this ill-fated movie, but I did my homework and found out what roles Channing and LiLo would be playing in the film.

'Poor Things' was based on a true story about two older women (played by Shirley MacLaine and Olympia Dukakis) who somehow took out insurance polices on unsuspecting homeless men and then, believe it or not, killed them to get the insurance money.

The actress who contacted me told me that Channing had a really cool role where he was going to play a young homeless 'victim' of Olympia and Shirley's characters and is picked up by them at a homeless shelter. From what she says, "There were scenes that would show how hot he is and the role would have/could have shown the depth of his acting abilities."

Only Channing could somehow make homelessness look hot.

Ironically, LiLo was going to play the niece of Shirley's character who is also a messed up, crazy druggy just out of a mental institution. Wow! Can we say "type cast"? Maybe the second stay at rehab was really just research for this role! That may be why it didn't work. She did not realize she was REALLY supposed to be doing rehab.

OK, I'm totally kidding. Multiple visits to rehab is a common occurance among people with LiLo's problems. Let's just hope for her sake that the third times a charm and she truly takes it seriously this time.

Well, I was looking forward to seeing Channing in this dark comedy, but I guess that's Hollywood! And when I really think about it, I wasn't quite ready to see Channing get killed in a movie anyway. That might have freaked me out a little.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, so not being in this movie seems to have already opened the door for his many other projects, which I am sure will have much less drama than this one did (hopefully).

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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Graphic Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Picture of the Week was created and submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Tara T.. Tara made this great fan graphic from lots of different pictures of Channing over the course of his modeling and acting career. Enjoy!

Thank you, Tara, for creating this cool graphic and for sharing it with CTU Readers and Channing Tatum Fans around the world. Images like these are great for MySpace Layouts and wallpapers or backgrounds for your computers.

You will soon find this graphic and all of the others that were created and submitted by our fabulous readers in the Fan Graphics Set of the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Photo Gallery.

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like today's picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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CTU NEWS: You're Invited to the Next CTU Virtual Party!!!

We had a really great time at the last CTU Virtual Party (aka V-Party) and I would like to thank everyone who participated!

I want to let all CTU readers and Fabulous Channing Tatum Fans that Channing Tatum Unwrapped will be having our next V-Party on the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Chat Box (aka the CBox) this Saturday August 25, 2007 at 12:00PM - 1:00PM US Central time. You can click here to calculate what time the party will be in your time zone.

No RSVP is required. We have a lot of different readers who chat on the box every day and I just wanted to try to come up with a time that a lot of the fans from around the world could try to be on the CTU CBox at the same time and talk about whatever they want to talk about.

I hope you can join us, but if you can't make this V-Party, don't worry. I will schedule more in the future so readers have a chance to join in if they want to chat with other die hard Channing Tatum fans.

Hope to see you at the CTU CBox V-Party this Saturday! It should be a lot of fun again, because we have two big things to celebrate...CTU's new OFFICIAL status and my birthday! :-D

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WARNING: Watch Out for the Channing Tatum Posers Everywhere!!!

I have always hated posers in the Channing world and there are more than any of us can count. So now that Channing Tatum Unwrapped is Channing's official site, I feel that it's even more important that I try to educate fans on the severe poser issue that exists all over the internet.

It was brought to my attention by Channing and Jenna's friend Josh and by Channing Tatum Fan Brandi that numerous Channing Tatum posers on MySpace are already using the picture that Channing personally sent to CTU as proof of his identity to try to convince unsuspecting MySpacers that they are the "real" Channing Tatum.

I just really want to remind everyone that Channing Tatum still does NOT have a MySpace where he talks to his fans. He does NOT have a Facebook, Friendster, or Bebo profile. He also does NOT chat on MSN or Yahoo Messenger with fans either.

I am so sorry that these posers are fooling so many fans, so I want to do what I can to help protect people from the foolishness that is rampant on the social networking sites and instant message services.

Here is a prime example...Brandi (a person who asked me if she could use Chan's picture on her really awesome fan profile on MySpace and I gladly gave permission to, because the pic is for fans and she is a fan, not a poser) sent me the following bulletin that one of Channing's posers sent out to his friends on MySpace. Notice how much the post resembles the real email Chan sent to me:

Believe it of not I've been trying to answer all fan mail for a while now, but somethings wrong with my in-box thingy u know myspace always tripping. Plus I could not be more computerly chanllenged. I'm still gonna keep trying though. So if u get a message from me that u sent me along time ago dont be shocked.

I don't get on the computer that much. So when i do...myspace is always first on my list so i can talk 2 all my fans personally.

So anyways if you don't believe its me i posted a crappy picture from my side kick I tried 4 a long time to write in and put personal pictures up but then every body on myspace has my pics but I didn't know how to convince you it was me so I'm trying now with the pic from my kick....if you dont believe its me sorry. i still love you guys.

Yours, Chan
Just to make it really clear, this bulletin did NOT come from the real Channing Tatum. This is a letter crafted by a poser who is a reader of this site using the real email Chan sent to me and all of you. You can click here to see the real letter.

When I looked at the poser's profile, he currently has a ton of pictures from CTU on it, including Channing's birthday gift picture. His default picture shows Channing's cell phone picture with the CTU tag cut off. I sent him an email asking him to stop what he is doing, because it's just wrong. I hope that he makes the right decision and stops trying to fool Channing's fans.

I struggled with whether I should post his profile address or not. I have come to the decision at this time that I don't want to promote his site any further. All that you need to know is that if you encounter ANYONE on MySpace or any of the other social networking sites saying that they are Channing, please do not believe them. If you are concerned about a profile or a person who has contacted you on the instant messaging sites, please email me at and I will try to help you figure out if it is the real Channing or not.

There are a lot of great fan profiles on the social networking sites that help promote Channing without trying to convince people that they actually are Channing. Support those profiles, because they are the true fans.

P.S. Because I have gotten this question, I want to make sure that everyone knows that Channing's girlfriend Jenna Dewan DOES have an offical MySpace profile. You can visit it at Jenna has a ton of posers pretending to be her too, so please only believe her official profile.

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