Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Channing Tatum Will Not Be in 'Step Up 2', But Robert Hoffman Knows How to Serve It Too

'Step Up 2' is supposed to start filming on July 23, 2007 in Baltimore, Maryland at the Maryland School for the Arts. The casting director and rest of the production team is currently in the middle of casting all of the roles right now.

If I had any worries about Robert Hoffman's ability to step into Channing Tatum's shoes and play the new lead in 'Step Up 2', I officially no longer have them. And here's why...

I just found Robert Hoffman's Choreography Reel on YouTube. I know that this is a Channing Tatum fan site, but I figured that you all would not mind the little detour into Robert Hoffman land for a second once you see the video below. I was absolutely blown away with this guy's dancing talents, but you can view the reel and decide for yourself.

This guy is an amazing dancer and in my opinion will not have any problem headlining 'Step Up 2'. Leave a comment on this blog entry and let me know what you think?

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  1. he is amazing in dancing and absolutely funny too, i just love him,.. ....channing comes first of course, hehe.

  2. This is from the film You Got Served and You Got Served Take it to the Streets. I have both films and they are both great, only Chan being in them would have made 'em better.

  3. There is something very sexy about a guy who can dance.. (especially like that).. thats hot!!I thought Step Up2 would suck with out Chan but Rob's got it..lol

  4. duh... robert hoffman can dance. Didn't you know he was a choreographer. When I saw him in You Got Served I just thought to myself "man, this guy can dance!!! he's tite.. he's gonna make it big!" Whats weird is that later I saw him in Nick Cannon's Wild n Out and he is hilarious with his freestyle punch lines. His comebacks are so tite. They'd make fun of him cause he's white then he'll come back with a tite ass punch line! Then I saw him in She's the Man and I just knew that he'd be big one day. He's very talented.. like Channing.


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