Friday, December 26, 2008

CTU NEWS: What's New at Channing Tatum Unwrapped?

Channing Tatum Unwrapped Header

I wanted to let you know about a couple of new features that I recently added to the main site and to get your help on an update that I'm going to be making on this blog very soon. Here's what's new at CTU...

  • NEW JENNA DEWAN UNWRAPPED NEWSLETTER: In the Jenna Dewan Unwrapped section of the homepage, fans can now subscribe to the new Jenna Dewan Unwrapped newsletter via Email or RSS feed. The new newsletter will include all of the most recent Jenna and Chenna articles I post on the site and the last 10 photos of Jenna that I posted in the photo gallery on any particular day.

  • NEW ARTICLE EMAIL FEATURE: At the top of each post on fans can now use the new "Email This Article" feature to easily send a full copy of the article you are reading (pictures and all) to yourself or to a friend. So if you like what you're reading, take a second to spread the word and send the article to a friend or two or three. ;-)

  • VOTE FOR THE NEW CTU BLOG HEADER: Each year, I change the header on this blog. This year, I asked CTU readers to get in on the act and help me redesign the header. In the end, I chose longtime reader Mikey to create three new headers so I would have a few options. He did such a great job that I'm having a really hard time choosing which one I want to use for 2009, so I need your help. Fans can CLICK HERE to take a quick poll where you can help me choose one of the three possible headers. If you click on each image on the poll, you can view a larger version of each header before you vote.

Please cast your vote for your favorite header and check back on New Year's Day to see which header won. Thanks in advance for your help!!!

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