Friday, July 6, 2007

CTU EXCLUSIVE: New Pictures of Channing Tatum in High School

DID YOU KNOW?...Who is this handsome 16 year old devil? Why it's Channing Tatum ofcourse! Signature shaved head and all! :-D

With the help of an extremely nice guy who played football with Channing for a year in high school, we now all know where Channing Tatum went to high school before he transfered to Tampa Catholic. This is a yearbook picture of Channing as a sophomore at Gaither High School in Tampa, Florida.

I learned this recently when Channing's teammate Cassino contacted me to let me know that he had pics to share with CTU. He was nice enough to scan in and send us the year book pics and newspaper article from Channing's sophomore year in 1996 at Gaither High School.

In addition to Channing's yearbook picture, we also have his football team picture (Chan is #33 in the team pic, top row, second from left), and Cassino also scanned a newspaper write up that mentions him and shows him on the roster. The article says that Channing weighed 160 lbs., was 5' 11'', played the position of Runningback for the Gaither Cowboys, and was a "speedy target" for his team's quaterback.

Finally, it seems that Channing has a history of petite, dark-haired girlfriends, because Cassino says that the girl in the last picture was his girlfriend at the time. Enjoy!

Cassino, it was sooooooo awesome of you to take the time to scan in and send these photos! I and my readers thank you for helping us learn even more about Channing's past!!!

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  1. OH-MY-GOD!!!! how cute is channing back then.. ( and of course he's still cute now.. LOL ).. I just love the pictures.. he really looks like someone who breaks hearts in HS ( he is just so GOOD LOOKING ) hubba-hubba.....

    I just want to personally say thank you to Cassino for giving Quishe the EXCLUSIVE rights to the photos.. and we hope there would be more someday...


    I already feel like the blog becoming OFFICIAL is just a few moments away..

    Love lots,

  2. aawww ! i'd just melted in front of my computer ! he's just so cuuute.. i could eat him :D . I'm sooo jealous of the girl ><

  3. i go to this school! :)


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