Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Channing Tatum Videos of the Week: Channing Tatum in 'CSI:Miami' (aka Les Experts a Miami in France)

What is even more sexy than Channing Tatum? Not much, but how about Channing Tatum playing a bad boy AND speaking French? I found these two videos on YouTube from the French version of 'CSI: Miami' which is known as 'Les Experts a Miami' in France. Channing played a thug by the name of Bob Davenport in this 2004 episode called 'Pro Per'.

Do I speak French? Nope. Do I NEED to speak French to appreciate Channing in today's Videos of the Week? Not as far as I'm concerned. Enjoy!

You can click here to watch part 1, click here to watch part 2 or click on the play buttons above to check out the videos.

Want to see more Channing Tatum videos? Feel free to checkout a lot more of his videos and interviews in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped YouTube Playlist.

If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to votw@channingtatumunwrapped.com and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.

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1 comment:

  1. Channing looks good speaking French. Okay, so what if it's not him. One can dream...


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