Thursday, July 12, 2007

Channing Tatum Videos of the Week: Channing Tatum Fan Video

Today's Video of the Week is a fan video that Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Jacob found on YouTube and thought we would all enjoy. Here is what Jacob has to say about his choice for VOTW:

I think this video should be considered being a video of the week because the song and pictures just flow so well. The song is a really good choice because it is like what all the fans are thinking when we think channing tatum. Thank You!

You'll get nothing but agreement from me, Jacob. The video is called "Channing Tatum, Sweetest Sin" and has there ever been a truer statement? Enjoy!

Click here or on the image above to check out the video. Thanks for the submission, Jacob!

Want to see more Channing Tatum videos? Feel free to checkout a lot more of his videos and interviews in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped YouTube Playlist.

If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.

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