Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Channing Tatum Videos of the Week: Channing's Dancing Experience Before Step Up

Today's Video of the Week is a Channing Tatum interview where we learn about his dance experience prior to his extremely successful movie 'Step Up'.

The interviewer's voice is a little annoying to me (like in the last video I posted by the same interviewer), but Channing is as adorable and personable as usual, so it's tolerable. You can click here to view the video or you can play the video below. Enjoy!

Want to see more Channing Tatum videos? Feel free to checkout a lot more of his videos and interviews in the Channing Tatum Unwrapped YouTube Playlist.

If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.

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  1. he looks so cute in this vid.. I remember in another one where he talked about his spanish friends party he would go to ...and the moms would pull him out to dance lol my mom would thats for sure lol

  2. hate the interviewer.. sounds like she's falling asleep.... but as always, great interview!


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