Thursday, January 7, 2010

5 Year-Old Summer Moll Needs Our Help...

GIVING BACK: A True Survivor...The Story of Summer Moll

Last year I shared Summer Moll's heartbreaking and courageous story of loss and survival with you all. For those not familiar with the story...

A September 10, 2008 crash left four year-old Summer critically injured when she and her mom were hit by a woman driving the wrong way on the Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway in the Tampa, Florida area with a 0.244 percent blood-alcohol level (nearly 3 times the legal limit). The driver faced multiple felony charges, including DUI-manslaughter and vehicular homicide.

In addition to losing her mother, Summer suffered a fractured skull and broken arms and legs. She has undergone countless surgeries, had casts on both arms, a brace on her neck, pins in her legs, and has endured painful rehabilitation to learn how to walk all over again. Learn more about Summer in the video below...

Summer's grandmother contacted me and wanted me to spread the word about Summer's latest battle, with hopes that someone in the CTU community may be able to help or may know someone who can...

"Summer's head wound is still refusing to close. We are asking for help to locate a specialty doctor to try and help. All remedies have been tried so far such as skin graphs, honey, and much more. The wound has been open since SEPTEMBER OF 2008. SO we are asking for any information on a specialty doctor that may be able to help come up with a solution to our problem. If your have any information or a suggestion please email Thanks again everyone for your thoughts and prayers for Summer."

GIVING BACK: A True Survivor...The Story of 5 Year Old Summer Moll

Summer began rehabilitation in December 2008 and finally left the hospital at the end of January 2009 after the September accident. Because of her extensive injuries, she has accumulated well-over $3 million worth of medical bills along the way. She still has a long road of recovery ahead of her, so I ask that everyone continue to keep this beautiful and strong little girl and her loving and supportive family in your prayers.

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