Tuesday, November 10, 2009

‘American Virgin’ DVD Winners, New ‘Hell’s Gate’ Set Photos, and the 2009 Jenna Dewan-Tatum Birthday Project

Jenna Dewan-Tatum's comedy 'American Virgin' with veteran comedian Rob Schneider was released on DVD in the US and Canada TODAY!!! Echo Bridge Entertainment was nice enough to send me a ton of free DVD's to give away to Jenna's fans here at CTU, and I want to thank all of the fans who submitted entries for our latest contest.

Again, you guys and gals made it REALLY hard to pick winners, but I'm happy to announce that the following fans will receive a FREE copy of 'American Virgin' and a photo personally autographed by Jenna...

Didn't win this time? No worries. Fans can now buy your own copy of 'American Virgin' at Amazon.com, Blockbuster, Blockbuster Online, iTunes, EchoStar/Dish Network, iN Demand, Redbox and WalMart.


On a side note, Jenna tweeted out a great photo from the north Texas set of her new film ‘The Legend of Hell’s Gate: An American Conspiracy’, giving us a sneak peek at her elaborate western costume. Below you can check out her photo and some additional pics from the movie's official Twitter...


Finally, I'm working on a little project for Jenna's birthday (which is on December 3rd), and I would really love to include birthday wishes from fans. If you would like to participate in this year's birthday project for Jenna, please send me a photo of yourself with a birthday message on it letting her know why you're a fan.

You can use the free tool Picnik.com to add your message to the photo and then email it to birthday@channingtatumunwrapped.com so I can feature it in this year's gift. The deadline for submissions is December 1st, and thanks in advance for your help with CTU's 2009 birthday project for Jenna!!!

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