Today's HI-larious Video of the Week features Channing Tatum and Charlyne Yi of 'Knocked Up' fame in Cinemash's 'Dirty Dancing' parody, just released today via MSN. In the comedy skit an appealingly off-beat couple wax romantic and can’t stop moving to the music as they mix intimacy and hilarity in a scene from the megahit movie. Check out Chan in full-on Patrick Swayze mode...
Somebody get this man a romantic comedy, STAT!!!
If you enjoyed the skit, then here's a behind-the-scenes video from the film shoot where it's clear that Chan and Charlyne had a really hard time keeping a strait face during filming...
As I mentioned in a previous post, the "Cinemash" series of episodic video shorts, developed and distributed by Zune, give popular film and television actors the opportunity to reenact the roles they have always dreamed of playing.
Chan's 'Dirty Dancing' "Cinemash" film short was directed by Nicholas Jasenovec and Kashy Khaledi and written by Charlyne Yi and Nicholas Jasenovec.
If you have a favorite video that you would like me to consider, send a link to the video to and tell me why you like it. I will post it and your explanation on the blog.
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Yeah! *lol* so hilarious