Sunday, June 28, 2009

CTU NEWS: Check out Tweetboard on Channing Tatum Unwrapped

Long time readers of CTU know that I love gadgets, and it's been a while since I added a new one to the site. Since Chan now has almost 40,000 followers on Twitter, I found a new toy that I hope readers will find both fun and helpful...

Tweetboard is a new gadget that allows me to display threaded Twitter conversations on the CTU site and blog. In short, it's kind of an easily accessible, Twitter-powered forum that you all will find on every page of the sites.

Check out Tweetboard on

As you can see in the graphic above, the new Tweetboard forum sits on the left hand side of your screen as a small tab, indicating the count of tweets since your last visit. Visitors can then click the tab and the Tweetboard will slide open with a view of all tweets pulled in from Chan's Twitter stream, threaded appropriately. Tweets pulled in include account updates and @replies to other users. Replies, however, show up in context of the original message to create a back-and-forth conversation-like feel.

You can even use "Sign in with Twitter" to tweet from the page, expand replies, add your own reply, and filter tweets by date, last activity, and most active.

I hope you all enjoy the new gadget!

P.S. Tweetboard is considered to be a bleeding edge app, because they are still in alpha mode (aka testing). If you all have any problems with it, please let me know at

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