Monday, April 27, 2009
RUMOR OR REEL?: Twilight Screenwriter Says Bring On Channing Tatum!!!
If you're a fan of the Twilight books and/or movies, then you may find today's news item even more interesting than most...
E! News is reporting that at least one very important person in the movie adaptations of Stephenie Meyer’s vampire love story thinks Channing Tatum would be perfect to play bad-boy vampire Riley in Eclipse, the third in the four-book series.
“There’s a very big battle at the end with Riley, and I think Channing would do that so well,” Twilight and New Moon screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, who is currently writing the Eclipse script, told E! News this weekend at the Los Angeles Times Book Festival benefit for the Writers Guild Foundation.
“And there are some complexities to that character," she adds. "He really is tragic. He’s a puppet for Victoria [bad-girl vampire played by Rachelle Lefevre]. So he has to break your heart a little bit at the end when he realizes that she doesn’t want him. Channing could do that beautifully.”
Ironically, my friend Wendy, who's a HUGE Twilight fan, said the exact same thing to me last week. From what she's told me about the character, it seems to fit well with Chan's love of physical, yet dramatic, roles.
Only time will tell on this one, but knowing Chan's fan base as I do, I think the prospect of a role in the Twilight series would be pretty exciting to fans far and wide.
What do you all think about Channing Tatum joining the cast of Twilight?
I think Channing joining for the third installment would be flippin sweet. He'd have to do the blonde hair thing though. I wonder if he could even fit that role into his busy schedule though?