The film was released on DVD and Blu-Ray today (March 10, 2009) and can now be found at your local retail stores. In addition to the DVD and Blu-Ray format, you can also watch the movie online via the Video On Demand service at
'Battle in Seattle' has also added a ton of behind-the-scenes videos to their Myspace profile. Fans can CLICK HERE to check them out and learn more about the making of the film.
To celebrate the new DVD and Blu-Ray release, Redwood Palms Pictures generously gave us 5 copies of the DVD to give away to CTU readers. Below you can find the 5 lucky Channing Tatum fans and Myspace friends who have won FREE 'Battle in Seattle' DVD's:
Since you all so graciously shared your battles, it's only fair that I do the same...
Because of people close to me (CTU Webmaster Q) that have been or are currently affected, I choose to fight for a cure for Juvenile Diabetes and cancers of any kind, and I hope that a cure comes sooner rather than later for everyone that battles these diseases.
I also want to let you all know about a battle that Channing Tatum's 2009 Biggest Fan, Brandi, and her family fight every day. Brandi has a child who has been diagnosed with a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy called Limb Girdle.
It's a progressive disease with no cure or treatment other then physical therapy. Her son's name is Tristan, and he's been chosen as the Good Will Ambassador for a local Muscular Dystrophy Association Ride For Life bike run in their town.
If you would like to join Tristan and his family in their battle, you can go to his official MDA site to learn more about the ride and/or help him meet and hopefully exceed his team's goal. Every dollar they raise will go to help a child fight this disease in hopes that someday maybe there will be a cure, or at the very least a treatment, for Tristan and everyone battling the debilitating disease.
Thanks again for all of your entries, and I wish everyone luck in fighting your battles, whatever they may be.
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