Thursday, December 18, 2008

ON LOCATION: First Look at Channing Tatum Filming ‘Dear John’ at the Charleston Air Force Base

Channing Tatum in Charleston Air Force Base Set Photos from 'Dear John'I'm told that the 'Dear John' crew was seen shooting at the Lafarge cement and sand plants in Harleyville, South Carolina on Monday morning and used "all types of military trucks" for the scene. Channing Tatum will wrap up filming this week for his 2009 Nicholas Sparks-inspired drama 'Dear John' and will be heading home soon to hopefully take a break for the holidays after working on this film for the past two months.

In a previous article, I posted photos of the production team filming at South Carolina's Charleston Air Force Base, but sadly, Channing was nowhere to be found in the pics.

Today, I have more photos from the Charleston Air Force Base set, but this time, we have the very first pictures of Channing Tatum actually filming 'Dear John'!!!

Fans can learn more about the filming and check out all of the photos in a recent article posted on the Charleston Air Force Base website.

The photos attached to the article show the 'Dear John' production crew filming a scene inside a C-17 using a telescopic camera crane and a scene where Chan and extras who are real soldiers pretend to be airborne in a helicopter in front of a blue screen in a hangar on the base on December 4th.

The production company received permission from the Defense Department to use base aircraft, facilities and Airmen to highlight the global airlift mission portrayed in the movie and all of the photos were taken by U.S. Air Force Senior Airman Timothy Taylor...[Read the full story]

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