Wednesday, November 19, 2008

RUMOR OR REEL?: Does Channing Tatum Want to Play Captain America?

Does Channing Tatum Want to Play Captain America?The entertainment news site Cinematical had the enviable pleasure of interviewing Channing Tatum on the set of his romantic drama 'Dear John' in South Carolina last week. (I so have to figure out how to score an invite like that, but I digress...)

Annnnnywaaaaay...they have been sworn to secrecy, so they can't give us any details about the film yet, but during the interview they asked Chan if he would be interested in playing the lead role in the 2011 Joe Johnston directed action adventure film 'The First Avenger: Captain America'. Now, the internet is abuzz with rumors that Chan may be a contender for the lead role.

Here's a snippet from the Cinematical interview that has set the fan boys imaginations wild...[Read the full story]

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