Tuesday, November 25, 2008

REMINDER: Channing Tatum's 'Step Up 2: The Streets' (aka 'Let's Dance 2: Street Dance') Releases on DVD in the Czech Republic

Czech Republic DVD Cover for 'Step Up 2: The Streets' (aka 'Let's Dance 2: Street Dance')

I want to let Channing Tatum's Fabulous Fans in the Czech Republic know that 'Step Up 2: The Streets' (aka 'Let's Dance 2: Street Dance') will be released on DVD in your country some time between now and December 15th!!!

This has been the hardest DVD release to pin down by far, because every Czech site I check seems to have a different release date for the DVD for some reason. So I figured that I would just put you all on red alert that the DVD will be released soon.

Czech fans can go to Filmopolis.cz to buy the DVD prior to its release, and you can get more info on the film at the Czech movie site DVDSvet.cz.

You can also check out the subtitled Czech version of the trailer in the video below:

What's next for ‘Step Up 2: The Streets‘? The film will be released on DVD in Norway as early as December 3, 2008 or as late as December 17, 2008, depending on which website you pick.

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