Thursday, November 13, 2008

CTU EXCLUSIVE: New Interview and Behind-the-Scenes Photos from the Director of Jenna Dewan's 'JANITOR'

On Halloween, Jenna Dewan's most recent film 'JANITOR' was released on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

'JANITOR' is the first-ever release of original short content on Microsoft's Xbox LIVE (XBL) and is part of their new "Horror Meets Comedy" series.

John Clisham, the director of the film short, contacted me recently and has provided some great exclusives for Jenna Dewan's fans here at CTU.

John is currently working on James Cameron's 2009 big budget, 3D sci-fi epic 'Avatar' , but took the time to send us some photos of Jenna on set and stills from the movie. He also shared with me why Jenna was chosen for the role and what it's like to work with the talented actress...[Read the full story]

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