Sunday, October 5, 2008

CTU NEWS: And the Winner of the ‘Battle in Seattle’ Poster Is…

Poster for Channing Tatum's 'Battle in SeattleAs I mentioned in a recent post, Channing Tatum's film ‘Battle in Seattle‘ sent me free tickets and a poster to give out to fans.

I had a great time seeing the movie again yesterday at the Houston screening of the film with the fans that won the free tickets. This was my second time to watch the movie, and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the film even more the second time around.

Now that the ticket give-away is out if the way, its time to give out the large ‘Battle in Seattle‘ poster to one lucky fan.

Without further ado, the lucky winner of the poster is...

Mara S.
of East Lansing, Michigan

Thanks to all of the fans who entered the contest and don't worry if you did not win this time. We will continue to have lots more contests on CTU each month.

I again want to thank ‘Battle in Seattle‘ for all of the great exclusives and give-aways that they have given to us here at CTU in the past few weeks, and I want to remind all of the fans that ‘Battle in Seattle‘ is currently playing in approximately 40 cities in the US. You can CLICK HERE to get the complete list of cities and showtimes.

What's next for Battle in Seattle‘? In addition to the October 10th and 11th releases in Monterey, CA, Hartford, CT, Olympia, WA, and Ann Arbor, MI, they have also added three new theatrical releases in the Canadian cities of Montreal and St. Foye on October 17th. As always, I will keep you posted on any future dates that are announced.

In the mean time, support Channing and make sure to go see ‘Battle in Seattle‘ if it's showing in or near a town where you live!!!

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