Friday, April 11, 2008

'Step Up 2: The Streets' Jon M. Chu and Adam "Moose" Sevani Wage War Against....Miley Cyrus?

From what 'Step Up 2: The Streets' director Jon Chu is telling me, he and Adam "Moose" Sevani have waged a war against America's sweetheart (aka Miley Cyrus) and her best friend and YouTube video show co-host Mandy.

Why, you may ask? Believe it or not, it's all in the name of dance. Jon's officially taking the dance contest out of the streets and has ingeniously moved it over to YouTube.

Here is Jon's passionate battle cry for what he calls "THE BIGGEST ONLINE DANCE BATTLE EVER":

Get ready for the battle of the century!!

Adam Sevani (Moose) and I and a bunch of the SU2 crew as well as our friends have challenged Miley Cyrus and Mandy to an ONLINE DANCE BATTLE!!!

We needed an excuse to make a fun dance video so here it is. Pass it around...tell all your friends. Let's blow this thing up and hopefully...unless they're WAY too scared...they'll respond.

The rules to the battle are as follows: THERE ARE NO RULES. They can recruit whoever they want to their crew and we can too.

We are the Adam/Chu Dance Crew otherwise known as ACDC.

Be Prepared. It's on. And tell your friends. Join our crew.

More info to follow...

You can check out Jon and Adam's extremely talented dance crew, ACDC, in the hilarious video below:

As Jon says, IT'S ON and that Miley better BRING IT, or she might just lose all of her street cred!!! ;-)

In all seriousness, I LOVE Jon's passion for anything and everything dance. It's a huge reason why Channing Tatum's certified dance hit 'Step Up 2: The Streets' has grossed over $118 million worldwide and why I truly hope that Disney brings Jon back to direct 'Step Up 3-D'.

His energy and creativity seems to be boundless, and I can only imagine what kind of ideas he's cooking up for his upcoming pitch to Disney. How I would love to be a fly on that wall. Although he did not say it, I'm thinking this battle may even have a little something to do with it.

When it comes to Jon, you just never know, but I do know that I can't wait to see if Miley takes him and Adam up on their CHALLENGE (pronounced with over exaggerated, fake French accent). I'll keep you all posted. ;-D

I also wanted to let all of Adam's fans know that he's giving another master hiphop dance class this weekend in Maryland. Here's all of the information for the upcoming class:

Date: April 13, 2008

2:00PM - 3:30PM (Registration starts at 12:30pm)


Annapolis Area Christian School Gymnasium
716 Bestgate Road
Annapolis, MD 21401


All ages and dance levels are welcome. For any other questions, feel free to call Lance Guillermo @ (443) 889-3494. Please allow enough time to ensure a spot, because space is limited. If the first session fills up, they will add another class.

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  1. OO.EM.EFF.GEE, dat woz bluddy hilarious!!

    Cant wait 2 c Miley's reply. GO ACDC!!!

  2. lmao snazzz

    BRING IT miley!!

    u goin against ppl from chan's crew now

    n yes cant wait for her reply :)


  3. LOL ally which side u on now!


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