Tuesday, March 4, 2008

NEWS FLASH: New Film Festivals and Theatrical Release Date for Channing Tatum's 'Battle in Seattle'

So I have some good news and some bad news about Channing Tatum's upcoming drama 'Battle in Seattle' . I'm going to get the bad news out of the way first...

The powers that be have decided to push the theatrical release date of the movie out again, so the movie is now scheduled to have a limited release in the US in September 2008.

For all of us frustrated fans that have been waiting since last year too see Channing in this film, thankfully there is a silver lining (for some).

The good news is that 'Battle in Seattle' will be shown at tons of film festivals all around the country over the next few months, so some lucky fans may be able to see the film prior to its ever-changing official release date.

Here is a list of all of the film festivals that 'Battle in Seattle' will be showing prior to its theoretical September 2008 limited release date in the US:
Thanks to Leigh over at Michelle Rodriguez's official site Michelle-Rodriguez.com for the above festival list.

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  1. How did I know this? HOW DID I KNOW!!? OMG I am getting really mad!!!! Can I sue? *rolls eyes* can't they just release the movie on DVD or something...and New York is not on that list of film festivals so that brings me no comfort... It's official, they hate us.GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


  3. k wait...how is Seattle not on the list of festivals? We should definately be able to see it before July! This does not make me very happy. I agree with Marlie, they should just give it to us on DVD

  4. I've been curious about this movie. It sounds interesting. But at least a release is better than no release at all. We have to hope that it does well in the festivals. Good luck!

    Just another blogger,

  5. what is the point of them delaying the release date? well at least stop loss is coming out soon...

  6. They might as well not release it if they keep pushing it back...just keep teasing us like that...that is not fun, just making me irritated. I DEMAND A DVD!


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