Thursday, November 15, 2007

CTU READER POLL: What do you think about the "Song of the Day"?

I'm sure you've noticed the new "Song of the Day" feature that I have added to the top left corner of the blog. I am using this to play songs from the soundtracks of Channing Tatum's past, current, and future movies and in some cases, you get to hear unreleased songs from up and coming artists like CTU reader Rialle.

Because I want to make sure that as many people as possible have a good experience on this site, I need your help. Please answer the poll below and let me know if you would like the music to automatically play the song as you open the site or if you would rather just press the play button yourself to hear the song of the day. Thanks in advance for your help!

This poll will run through November 22, 2007.

Click here to participate in other CTU Reader Polls.

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