Friday, October 26, 2007

RUMOR OR REEL?: Channing Tatum to Play a Cop in South Korea

I just found the following article that was posted on Entertainment Weekly's site on October 5th. I'm not sure if it is true or not, so for now, I am posting this one under Rumor or Reel until I can verify if there is any truth to it. Until then, you can read about a possible new role that Channing Tatum may be adding to his already long list of upcoming projects...

How do you say Channing Tatum in Korean?
Oct 5, 2007, 06:46 PM | by Nicole Sperling

Channing_l Channing Tatum, the hot young thing who caught everyone's attention for his role as the bad-boy dancer in Disney's Step Up, is attached to a pitch that would see him play a fish-out-of-water cop in South Korea. Compelling? The studios seem to think so. The pitch from screenwriter Doug Jung (Confidence) has been making the rounds throughout Hollywood with a number of studios interested. And while it would become a rare U.S. feature to shoot in South Korea, Hollywood is much more interested in Tatum than in the exotic locale of the movie. We should know next week if and where it lands.

Source: Hollywood Insider at

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