Sunday, September 9, 2007

CTU NEWS: You're Invited to the Next CTU Virtual Party!!!

We had a really great time at the last CTU Virtual Party (aka V-Party) on August 25th and I would like to thank everyone who participated!

I want to let all CTU readers and Fabulous Channing Tatum Fans that Channing Tatum Unwrapped will be having our next V-Party on the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Fan Chat Box (aka the CBox) this Saturday September 15, 2007 at 10:00AM - 11:00AM US Central time. You can click here to calculate what time the party will be in your time zone.

No RSVP is required. We have a lot of different readers who chat on the box every day and I just wanted to try to come up with a time that a lot of the fans from around the world could try to be on the CTU CBox at the same time and talk about whatever they want to talk about.

I hope you can join us, but if you can't make this V-Party, don't worry. I will schedule more in the future so readers have a chance to join in if they want to chat with other die hard Channing Tatum fans.

Hope to see you at the CTU CBox V-Party this Saturday! It should be a lot of fun again, because we can celebrate kicking all of those horrible posers off of MySpace! :-D

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  1. hey i have a come the toronto international film festival has started and there hasnt been any news about bttle in seattle? wasnt it supposed te premiere there? well i hope you can answer my question thankks!

  2. The premiere was yesterday and the gossip sites have covered the stars attending the premiere. Some bloggers have briefly talked about the premiere and seemed to like the movie, but I was waiting for an official review of the movie from one of the big sites to cover the topic here. Chan's role has not been mentioned in any of the write-ups I've seen so far.


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