Monday, August 13, 2007

NEWS FLASH: Where in the World is Channing Tatum?

A Channing Tatum fan and Perez Hilton reader by the name of Hannah sent in the pictures below to the Gossip Queen's site saying that Channing was hanging out in Key West, Florida this weekend. I am fairly certain he has family in the area.

The fan didn't say anything mean about Channing (because he would have posted it if she had), so as usual, Perez had to make something up to keep his readers interested.

Well, we are going to ignore Perez and just appreciate the pictures of Channing once again being nice to his fans and taking pictures with them. Enjoy!

On a side note...if you are a Channing Tatum fan, I beg you to PLEASE not send your pictures to Perez Hilton. As you may or may not know, he is almost ALWAYS going to be nasty for absolutely no reason at all.

On another side note...Did anyone else notice that Channing seems to be wearing the army fatigues he had on in the GORGEOUS Grand Canyon photo our source sent in a few days ago? Click here to check it out for yourself.

I would like to thank CTU Reader Vienna from Germany for letting me know that Perez had posted these photos.

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