Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan and avid CTU reader Jan (aka JC for all of us CBox junkies) was understandingly appalled when she visited People.com and found that the site does not currently have a Channing Tatum profile in its Celebrity Directory.
Jan pointed out that if "celebrities" like Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie have profiles, why in the world would Channing not have one and I have to agree with her on that one.
So she asked me to spread the word and corral CTU readers so we can all contact People.com and ask them to PLEASE add a Channing Tatum profile to the site.
CTU has had almost 200,000 visitors over the past few months that this fan site has been live and I believe that there is power in numbers. So, how can you help?
Please just send an email to webmaster@people.com and politely request that they add a Channing Tatum profile to the site, much like I did with About.com. It took them 3 months to finally add the profile, but it is there now and that's all that matters.
So please just send an email (or maybe a few emails) to People.com today so we can help Channing get his profile added to the People.com Celebrity Directory! I think we all know that he deserves to be there.
Thanks for your help and thanks to Jan for suggesting this!!!
great! im gonna have to email People.com now!! heheh.. THEY SHOULD HAVE Channing's Profile there too!!!