Sunday, April 8, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Photo Submission

Happy Easter Everyone!!! Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

Today's Picture of the Week was submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Kym from Australia and it shows Channing with his signature shaved head at the premiere of his 2005 movie Coach Carter where he played basketball player Jason Lyle.

Here is what Kym has to say about why she likes the photo:

Hi to yall. I absolutely adore this pic, cos it reminds me of a scene in one of Chan's earlier movies. He's so, well.....manly! Isn't that what all women want? In the movie he says, "I'm gonna show em how the big dog eats". Chan, please come and show me!
- Kym from Australia

Thanks for sending sending in this POTW, Kym! That is the perfect movie quote for this picture. No matter what he is saying or doing, Channing is definitely the epitomy of manly and who does not love a good manly man?

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like the picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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