Friday, April 6, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week: Fabulous Fan Photo Submission

Each week Channing Tatum Unwrapped will post one or more of our favorite pictures of the uber hot Channing Tatum.

I want to thank everyone for submitting photos for the POTW. My goal from now on is to have all of them be chosen by CTU readers and you all have been doing a great job of sending then in. Keep'em coming!

Today's Picture of the Week was submitted by Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Rachael P. and it is from the most popular photo shoot this week, Chan's 2006 GQ magazine spread.

Here is what Rachael has to say about why she likes the photo:

This picture has my vote for POTW! Channing obviously isn't showing much skin here but his face says it all. His jaw line is so profound and you can see it in most all of his pictures and it is one of the things that makes him so sexy! He is "The Sexy"!


Thanks, Rachael! I am a sucker for a good jawline like Channing's or like Jason Lewis' (the actor that played Samantha's boyfriend in the final season of Sex in the City). Next to Channing's insanely gorgeous lips, I think his jawline is the sexiest feature on his face. Oh and those green eyes...don't even get me started on those eyes. :-D

If you have a favorite picture from this blog, our photo gallery, a picture you have made or a picture that you have found on the net that you would like us to consider, send the picture or a link to the picture to and tell us why you like it. We will post it and your explanation on the blog. If you like or don't like the picture (for some completely insane reason), let us know that too. :-)

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