Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Secret to Looking Like Channing Tatum

DID YOU KNOW?...Channing's secret may be in Sircuit Skin's new 'Secret Sauce'. I think sometimes it's nice to know that stars are really just like you and me and it seems that even Channing Tatum needs a little help to look so incredibily gorgeous in front of the camera.

I don't know if Channing is now a spokesperson or if he just really loves their products, but it seems that the skin care company Sircuit Skin has a new recruit.

Here is what Channing had to say about his Sircuit Skin beauty regimen:

"The evidence is clear," says Hollywood newcomer, Channing Tatum, star of dance sensation, Step Up, and soon to be released Battle in Seattle, co-starring Charleze Theron.

"The camera doesn't lie, and close ups can be intense. I'm on a Sircuit Skin regime and definitely, see the benefits of my healthy addiction: I call it: 'Sircuit' training my skin."

How cute is Channing? Not only is he gorgeous, but he can come up with a good tagline on the fly too! In the interest of full disclosure, this quote was pulled from a recent press release distributed by Sircuit Skin, so they may have "guided" his quote a little. I don't know for sure, but I'm just throwing that out there. ;-)

If Sircuit Skin did hire Channing, then I am sure none of us are surprised. Countless women want to be with him and what man doesn't want to be him.

Looks like ProActive is so yesterday. All I can say is move over Jessica Simpson, Kelly Clarkson, and P Diddy (or whatever you're calling yourself this week), sounds like Channing may be the hot new celebrity spokesperson in Tinseltown.

P.S. I am NOT affiliated in any way with this Sircuit Skin and I am NOT telling you to go out and buy their stuff so you will look like Channing. OK. Enough said.

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