Thursday, February 8, 2007

Exclusive New Channing Tatum Interview on for Battle in Seattle

Our friends over at work really hard to give us fans behind-the-scenes interviews and information on our favorite actors and films. For Channing Tatum and Battle in Seattle fans they have just posted an exclusive interview on with Channing taken while he was making his new film Battle in Seattle.

Written and directed by Stuart Townsend, Battle in Seattle is based on what was considered to be one of the most incendiary political uprisings in our generation. The movie takes an in-depth look at the five days that rocked the world in 1999 as thousands of demonstrators protested the meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Seattle's streets. Although it began as a peaceful protest with a goal of stopping the WTO talks, the protest quickly escalated into a full-scale riot and eventual State of Emergency that put peaceful and unarmed protesters against the Seattle Police Department and the National Guard.

In Battle in Seattle we are able to experience what the protesters, police, delegates, doctors, and city of Seattle went through on those dark days in 1999. Dramatic theatrical performances of the star-studded cast are merged with the actual footage of the event to bring the different viewpoints to life in the movie.

Channing plays Johnson, one of the riot cops that tries to help bring peace back to what seems like a war-torn city. The cast also includes such established heavy weights and new-comers as Charlize Theron, Woody Harrelson, Ray Liotta, Michelle Rodriguez, and André Benjamin (aka Andre 3000 of Outkast).

In the interview, Channing talks about how his experience on this movie has made him want to work more often with directors who are also actors, because it made the entire production process much easier.

Woody Harrelson also talks about how much he has enjoyed working with Channing, because the young actor seems to have an innate ability to channel or truly become his character. This seems to be a trend for Channing, because we also saw this when he took on the role of Antonio in 2006's A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints.

The interview ends with Channing saying how his work on Battle in Seattle has solidified why he loves acting so much. Channing says it best, "It's better than any job ever created by man by far."

You can CLICK HERE to view the interview on YouTube. I have also added the video to the Channing Tatum Unwrapped Video Playlist. Thanks to Fabulous Channing Tatum Fan Naz for letting me know about the video's addition to YouTube. has given us another great behind-the-scenes look at Channing on the set of Battle in Seattle and they have told me that there is a lot more where that came from for Channing fans. Stay tuned to Channing Tatum Unwrapped to be the first to find out about more exclusive Channing interviews on

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