I found one of the more popular Channing Tatum posers who tries so hard to convince people he is really Channing in order to advertise his photography business. One of his very recent blog postings says "he" has been given the role of Genghis Khan in the upcoming movie 'Mongol''.
Obviously he didn't do his research very well. Channing was originally awarded the part, but there was "controversy" around his non-Asian, Irish, Native American, and French ancestry. They ended up awarding the role to a popular Asian actor by the name of Tadanobu Asano. Here is a screen shot from the movie company's website showing who is (and is not) in the movie:

If I am wrong, then shame on me, but I'm pretty sure I'm not. I just hate blatant liars. To protect yourself on MySpace.com (and in most places on the internet), it is always best to assume people are not who they say they are until they give you some undeniable proof.
OK, I'll get off my soapbox now.
UPDATE #1: I spoke with Picturehouse and confirmed with the movie company that Channing Tatum is not in 'Mongol'. I also confirmed with both Channing's Talent Agency and Management company he does NOT have a MySpace page. I stand by my rant whole-heartedly.
UPDATE #2: The profile has now been deleted by MySpace, because it was a fake. As of August 16, 2007, Channing Tatum's official profile on MySpace is http://www.myspace.com/channingtatumunwrapped. You can CLICK HERE to learn more about Channing Tatum turning this site and the CTU MySpace into his official sites.
[Channing Tatum Photo Provided by Channing Tatum's Current Modeling Agency]
What is the address of this poser MySpace page..... Is it
ReplyDeletehttp://www.myspace.com/channingtatummyspace.com ? Because i always thought it looked legit.
You are correct. I thought it looked real too, but then I started asking my self some questions. Channing has said himself that he does not really like working on the computer, so I doubt he would go through the trouble of manning his own MySpace page. There were other things that gave me some doubts, but I started really reading things and found the Mongol posting that he just did a few days ago. We all now know that Channing is not in that movie (unless they re-filmed it), so I don't really think this guy is the real thing. Plus, I have found comments on other sites and on MySpace saying he does not have a page of his own. If I am wrong, I will eat crow, but I don't think I am.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure what to think now...Maybe he doesnt like to be on the computer that much, but has a MySpace page to help promote himself...and as for the Mongol movie....MTV.com is known for alway telling the truth, and they still say that Channing Tatum has the lead role.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on the MTV thing. I will let you know if I find out more. I guess the proof will also be in the pudding (a little) when the movie comes out.
ReplyDeleteSo let's put this to bed. I have confirmed with the movie company (Picturehouse) that Channing Tatum is not in 'Mongol'. They made the movie, so they should know who is in it or not.
ReplyDeleteI also confirmed with both his Talent Agency and Management company that Channing Tatum does NOT have a MySpace page. (Atleast not one that he wants anyone to know about.)
I'm thinking that Mr. Channing Tatum on MySpace is definitely a first-class Poser.
If Picturehouse confirmed that Channing Tatum is not in the movie...then they have some work to do because I found alot of information from reliable sources saying the same thing... Another reliable source "The New York Times" says that Yes Picturehouse is the Distributor and still Channing Tatum has the lead role...but we'll see obviously when the trailer comes out.
ReplyDeleteI just don't know why Picturehouse would not promote him being in the movie if he is in it. I guess that time will tell. If Channing is in it, I will definitely go see it. I still think that the MySpace guy is a fake.
ReplyDeleteOne more note...I have seen those other sources that you are talking about too, but I wonder if they just did not update their information after the part was given to the other actor. Who knows? We will be able to figure this out for sure soon enough.
ReplyDeleteAbout the MySpace page being fake...there ARE tons of fake ones out there meaning there are alot of posers out there...but in a picture of channing tatum, he is with someone he worked or still works with named matthew garth...and there are absolutely no posers of him, no offense to him, but why would there be. Anyways, Matthew Garth comments on this Channing Tatum profile and i dont think he would waste his time if the page was fake because since they do look like close friends, he could easily call Channing up and ask which im sure he did already.
ReplyDeleteHere is my conspiracy theory...May sound a little far fetched, but "Channing Tatum" on MySpace is Matthew Garth and he is trying to drum up business by pretending to be Channing. He created the Channing profile and his real profile to look legit. It is possible that he may know Channing, but I don't think that the profile really is Channing. For all we know, maybe Channing gave him permission to do it if they are such good friends.
ReplyDeleteThat does sound far fetched..and makes Chan sound like a bad guy... giving Matthew Garth the permission to impersonate him while fooling all his friends/fans, making them think they are leaving Chan comments when he doesnt even read them.... I dont think he would do that to his fans, he's a good guy, that's why he has so many fans. That and the fact that the ladies love the way he looks.
ReplyDeleteI agree that I do not think that Chan would do that. I created this blog, because I like him both as an actor and as a person. That is why the whole poser situation angers me so much. I do know that a ton of people are doing what this poser is doing and I feel that it is important to warn my readers. Again, if I am wrong, I will be the first to tell you all, but I don't think I am wrong about this.
ReplyDeleteThis is Matthew Garth and I can assure you that I did not create that profile for Chan. If it was really a concern, why don't you try asking the source instead of starting this gossip and drama?
ReplyDeleteIf I am wrong about all of this, you will be the first person I apologize to. I could have just deleted your comment and not posted it, but I want to get to the truth of this. Can you help me understand what is going on if Channing's people and friends are saying he does not have a MySpace page for his fans?
ReplyDeleteLook, I am also not 100% that is the real Channing, but I have to believe it is by the stuff we talk about...stuff only he would know by working with me. I know he is on MySpace though. Hell, on the 'STEP UP' DVD in the extras, you see the cast doing auditions for dancers with a MYSPACE banner in the background that was promoted by MySpace. Anyways, before you go and make accusations against me about making up a fake profile to promote my business, you might want to get the facts straight. You sound like the damn 'National Enquirer'!
ReplyDeleteI don't know if Channing has a personal profile on MySpace or not. But I am pretty sure that the public one we are refering to in this case is not him. It would be really sad to find out that who ever it is is fooling you too. When I first started visiting Myspace, that profile had an ad on it for a photographer. Then all of a sudden I noticed the page had been redesigned and there was a plug for you in the blog and the blog had inaccurate info. It just all seems very strange. If you are being fooled too, then I hope I have helped you to realize there are some major wholes in this guy's story.
ReplyDeleteWell, I do know for a fact he has a profile on MySpace because he told me on the set of 'Stop Loss' that he did. Now, if that is the correct one I have no idea. Anyways, I am not going to waste my time worrying about it like you though...I have people to shoot!
ReplyDeleteIm a huge fan of Channing and his work, I work hard running my myspace fan page (www.myspace.com/channingsfans). I have the "so called real Channing" on my friends list. I went through his friends and saw alot of the people on there are from the movie Stop-Loss, "Channing" has left comments on their pages or in their blogs. I would think if it wasnt really Channing then that would make most of those people fakes also wouldnt it? I mean if your friends with Channing, wouldnt you know if it was his real page or not? Or at least his comments would give you some kind of hint. We work hard on these sites and pages to help promote Channing. So its our every right to know whos fake and whos not. To say we are wasting our time, well Im alittle offended by that. I have to agree with our Blog Expert all the way on this.
ReplyDeleteI have been reading the comments left by the hole Channing myspace thing, and I think it's real.It shows us a real good,nice,sexy, hot..... oh oops my bad lol side of Channing that he would want us to see about him.