Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Channing Tatum Pictures of the Week

OK. I know what you're probably thinking. You are probably thinking - What is wrong with her? Doesn't she see that this picture of Channing Tatum is blurry?

I personally can't help but smile when I see this picture. In my defense, I know it's not the clearest screen capture you've ever seen. My question to you is do you really NEED the picture to be clear to appreciate this shower scene from Coach Carter? I mean, no offense to Samuel L. Jackson or the annoyingly large towel Channing is wearing, but I see THEM as being more of an issue in this picture than the tiny bit of blurriness that stops us from really seeing Channing in his true glory...Know what I'm sayin? ;-)

You can see a lot more screen captures from Channing Tatum's 2005 movie Coach Carter at

Anyway, hopefully you can appreciate this photo like I do. If not, don't worry, I promise the next Picture of the Week will be extraordinarily clear, and knowing Channing, just as sexy.

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